Sign the petition to ban forced vaccination and protect health freedom in America!


In the past, when vaccine lunatics like Paul Offit made spectacles of themselves on the mainstream media circuit with nutty ramblings about children safely getting 10,000 vaccinations at once and being just fine, those of us who still have functioning mental faculties responded with facts when appropriate and ignored the rest — who wants to argue with a madman, after all?

But things are getting personal with a new movement to eliminate vaccine exemptions and force vaccinations on all Americans, using the illogic of Offit and other unhinged crazies as “scientific” backing for such draconian medical control. Right now in California, for instance, the pharma-backed state legislature is trying to push a bill through the Senate that would eliminate the freedom of Californians to opt out of vaccinations for personal or religious reasons.

The threat of losing our freedom of vaccine choice is real, in other words. The health freedom movement can no longer sit idly by while the vaccine industry, through its sell-out puppets like Senator and Dr. Richard Pan, who was recently exposed for accepting campaign contributions from Merck & Co., producer of the MMR vaccine. Not surprisingly, Pan is aggressively pushing to eliminate vaccine exemptions in California.

Criminal politicians and doctors pushing for mandatory vaccinations no different from dictators who forced medical treatments on war prisoners

Since receiving national media attention, the widely-hyped California measles outbreak has sparked all sorts of manufactured outrage against people who don’t vaccinate. They are the ones responsible for spreading disease, reads the official script, and any “loopholes” that exist to accommodate their “anti-science” position (vaccine exemptions) must be eliminated in the interest of public health.

Regardless of your personal views or actual science on the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations, what dirty politicians like Pan and corrupt “doctors” like Offit are calling for is forced mass medication without informed consent. Not only is this a human rights violation, but it stands diametrically opposed to what the American Medical Association (AMA) recognizes as standard medical ethics.

As we recently reported, the AMA’s official code of ethics expressly prohibits mandatory vaccinations, determining that every patient has a fundamental right to choose his or her own treatment without coercion or threat of retribution.

“The patient should make his or her own determination about treatment,” it states clearly, pegging this standard as “a basic policy in both ethics and law.”

Will you join the health freedom movement in opposing all attempts at forced medical treatments?

Nearly 50,000 people have signed onto a petition that would bar any and all attempts at forced vaccinations or other medical treatments in the U.S. 100,000 signatures are needed by March 6, 2015, to force a response from the White House, which means we’re halfway there in telling the federal government that we don’t agree, and won’t go along, with any form of mandatory mass medication, vaccines or otherwise.

“This debate shouldn’t be about the efficacy of vaccines, or the dangers of vaccines,” said independent journal Paul Joseph Watson. “What it should be about is the chilling precedent being set by both the left and the right… that it now should be completely accepted without question that the government has the right to forcibly mass medicate anyone against their will.”

You can sign the petition, which is posted at, here:
