Tuesday, October 20, 2015 by usafeaturesmedia
(Bugout.news) The stuff has hit the fan in your city. It’s time for you to grab your bug out bag and head out the door – quickly, before the streets become too dangerous and your escape route is blocked.
You do have an escape route – right? Because now, before things go bad, is when you should be mapping out your escape route and rehearsing it, so that it becomes second nature. Integrated into your rehearsal should be Plan B and even Plan C – alternate routes, should your primary route be blocked or deemed too dangerous.
So, first things first – where do you want to go? Do you have a place to go – a friend’s home outside the city; a property of your own with provisions already in place; a rural area that you’ll share with others? Once you have decided on your destination, it’s time to develop your plan.
Take a look outside your apartment, condo or home – what routes are available to you? Are there multiple routes, and if so, do they ultimately lead you in the direction of your final destination? The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, of course, but straight lines between points don’t usually exist in an urban or suburban setting, hence the need to map your route.
Is this your view? Getting out of the ‘burbs may not be any easier than getting out of a large city. Do you know where you’re going? Are you going alone or with neighbors?
Is this closer to what your view looks like? What do you think traffic will be like? Are you fit enough to walk to a final destination that may be miles away – and with a backpack full of gear?
Even small-town America presents its own unique challenges – like less law enforcement (for protection) and fewer businesses and supplies. Are you among like-minded folk? Will they help you get to where you need to go or are you on your own?
Some other things to keep in mind:
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Tagged Under: Tags: preparedness