Friday, December 04, 2015 by usafeaturesmedia
(Bugout.news) By now you have most likely heard about the recent terrorist shootings in San Bernardino, Calif., a huge “gun-free zone” that once again failed to foil people determined to use a firearm to kill as many people as possible. It’s not clear at this point if the perpetrators were actually members of, or inspired by, a certain international terrorist organization, but what is certain is that the incident once again emphasizes the importance of gaining situational awareness during a chaotic incident involving guns.
One of the best ways to make you more aware is through so-called “active shooter” training – and one system that is simple and effective is called “ALICE.” Here are the steps involved:
ALERT: Inform as many people as possible within the danger zone what is taking place, once you recognize the situation. This can be accomplished in a number of ways – texts, email, and direct communication.
Experts in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), recommend using plain and specific language.
LOCKDOWN: You’ll want to barricade yourself and those with you in place, to block the shooter(s)’ access to your space. That said, there needs to be a semi-secure starting point where survival decisions are made.
Also, while here, you should prepare a COUNTER should the opportunity present itself.
INFORM: This involves communication of the shooter’s location in real time.
COUNTER: Create a noise or other distraction, and create distance through movement in order to get out of the danger zone as quickly and safely as possible, in order to reduce the shooter’s ability to accurately target you. Most formal programs do not recommend directly confronting an active shooter, but if you’re a licensed or otherwise permitted to carry a concealed weapon and you’ve been properly trained and you’ve properly practiced handling your weapon and you feel comfortable enough, you might consider confronting an active shooter (after all, this is the argument gun rights groups make – that it takes an armed good guy to bring down an armed bad guy). But again, this is strictly on a case-by-case basis and something YOU will have to decide for yourself.
EVACUATE: This self-explanatory; when it is safe to do so, you and your party should clear out of the danger zone without hesitation. Be quick but be as quiet as possible (unless you’re attempting to COUNTER the shooter with a distraction first.
To check into formal ALICE training, click here.
In the meantime, this short FBI-sponsored video explains the concepts behind ALICE, and how they can be just as important to you as they were to the San Bernardino County employees, who practiced “active shooter” drills monthly, according to news reports:
Why is this kind of training important to preppers?
Because in just about any SHTF scenario you can conjure up, there will most likely be armed confrontations between groups of people, authorities, the military and criminal elements. Learning and mastering these basic survival techniques can not only serve you well now, if – heaven forbid – there is an active shooter incident at your place of business or where you work, but also later, should there be social chaos and y0u find yourself in a survive-or-die situation.
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