Thursday, December 31, 2015 by usafeaturesmedia
(Bugout.news) If you’re relatively new to prepping you’ve probably read a lot of material about “bugout bags,” an in particular what you should and should not include inside yours.
There are many variants of bugout bags because there are many differences between people and their individual situations. But the good news is, there are also many common denominators when it comes to assembling the gear you will need to escape a SHTF situation or to move from point A to point B due to some other unforeseen emergency.
And there are, of course, some common bugout bag mistakes and pitfalls you’ll want to avoid, as well, such as keeping your bag small enough to enable you to move without tiring to not trying to look out of place.
What is also important is that you prepare for the critical time – that is, the first 72 hours after a natural disaster or other emergency, as those first hours will be crucial to your survival.
Finally, if the roads aren’t clogged and you’re able to travel using your automobile, this is another facet of bugout preparation you’ll need to consider.
In the meantime, the following is a great video explaining a number of facets surrounding the act of bugging out and also serves as a great primer on what you ought to consider putting in your bugout bag.
The video will discuss:
— Bugout bag contents and why items are important
— The concept of bugout bag weight and functionality
— Practicing with your bugout bag, as in the need to hike with it so you can fully appreciate what that entails
— Bugout bag selection
— Why portability is important (what if you’re not home when the emergency strikes?)
— Proper use of space within your bugout bag
— And much more!
Grab a notepad and a pen, and enjoy this short, informative video:
H/T: Survival Know How
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