Friday, June 24, 2016 by usafeaturesmedia
(Bugout.news) We’ve talked a lot in recent months about the tanking economy and how it has steadily worsened under President Obama, but we haven’t discussed at length what you’ll need to do to survive in a society where the dollar is no longer worth much, so today we’re rectifying that.
The current administration would like for you to believe that the economy is on the mend and that the economy is actually expanding and growing. Frankly, that’s just a lie and most economists and basically anyone with a grain of sense will tell you otherwise.
The drop in oil prices may seem like a good thing when it’s time to gas up the SUV, but the free fall in oil prices is actually very bad news in the long run. And when you take a look at how the Federal Reserve has been artificially stimulating the economy with quantitative easing and the continued printing of ever-more-worthless dollars, it’s not difficult to see that there is a huge economic bubble being created, and it will burst sooner or later. My guess is sooner, but maybe I’m just a pessimist — time will tell…
Many are predicting that 2016 will be the year the dollar collapses, and few of us are truly ready to face what some are forecasting will be a financial “bloodbath” or “Armageddon.” Despite the Obama Administration and the Fed’s attempts to paint lipstick on a pig by cooking the books, the fact remains that more than 100 million Americans are unemployed — the highest percentage since the Great Depression.
And with oil prices expected to drop even further, more Americans can expect to lose their jobs — if they are lucky enough to have one in the first place.
And let’s not forget the effects of Obamacare, which is driving employers to cut hours for their workers so that they can avoid having to meet the ACA requirements.
In short, we are headed for an economic collapse that will make the 2008 crisis pale in comparison.
So, how to survive the coming crash?
Daisy Luther, creator of The Organic Prepper website, offers some useful advice on how to cut costs and prepare as much as possible for the inevitable collapse of the dollar.
As Luther notes: “The key to economic survival is requiring less of things that cost money.” She urges readers to realize the difference between essentials and luxuries, and get rid of the things that aren’t necessary to survival. Her list of essentials includes:
Beyond these basics, all else are luxuries. Luther recommends looking for ways to cut monthly costs. Among her suggestions: moving to a smaller home, relocating to a smaller town, getting rid of monthly car payments by buying a cheaper used vehicle with cash, stop using credit cards, eat at home instead of dining out, and generally becoming as frugal and self-reliant as possible.
The more you can provide for yourself, the better off you will be. Do whatever you can to reduce your reliance on the power grid — harnessing solar energy and limiting the use of electricity to powering actual necessities is a good start.
The more food you can grow or produce, the more money you’ll save and the healthier you’ll be — not to mention the fact that you’ll be more self-reliant when the SHTF.
It is essential to establish a mindset that will get you through any crisis. The core philosophy of prepping is to be ready before things go sideways. Luther also urges everyone to build a “preparedness library.” If the power grid goes down, you’ll need books to help you develop and maintain survival strategies — websites are of no use if you can’t get online.
Even if the economy turns around (which is highly doubtful at this point), it makes sense to be prepared for the worst. Don’t wait until the proverbial wolves are at the door — make plans now for facing what could prove to be a very challenging situation when the current economic bubble finally bursts.
By Daniel Barker, NaturalNews.com.
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