
New evidence suggests the government is using NASA to air drop Lithium on the masses

Need your mood tweaked a bit? Just step outside under the gaze of a chemtrail and inhale deeply. In addition to the barium, strontium, the nano bio apps and other assorted toxins, you’ll be ingesting a chemically tweaked Lithium, long known as a drug used for bi-polar disorder, depression and eating disorders like anorexia and Read More


The legendary Chuck Norris pens article urging Americans to wake up on the ‘covert chemtrailing’ taking place in this country

Do you get a visceral reaction when jets spew their poison and ruin a beautiful blue sky day with their aerosols, nanoparticles and assorted toxic chemicals? 76-year-old actor and activist Chuck Norris agrees with you. Norris is using his celebrity and writing prowess to bring attention to these toxic geo-engineering programs. He recently penned an article in World Read More