Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt picked to run the Pentagon’s surveillance programs

March 22nd, 2016, by

According to Bloomberg Business, as of fiscal year 2014, Eric Schmidt, Ph.D. has an annual compensation of over $100,000,000. Eric Schmidt is best known for being the Executive Chairman of Google, Inc. since April, 2011 and Alphabet, Inc. since October 2015. His extensive resume included decades at the nexus of entrepreneurship, technology and research. And now, big government can be added to his curriculum vitae. He’ll be working with the Defense Department, as the Common Sense Show’s Dave Hodges explains:

“Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced his intention to establish what he’s calling a Defense Innovation Advisory Board, meant to provide advice to the Department of Defense from a Silicon Valley point of view. Carter’s lead choice to head up this new board is no stranger to violating electronic privacy. Carter’s choice is former Google CEO, Eric Schmidt… There is no doubt that these moves were made to avoid the public appearance of impropriety. As Google technology moves to supersede existing technology, Schmidt, still bolstered by his present Google retirement stock will be there to guide America’s obliteration of the Fourth Amendment, to the financial benefit of Google and to the detriment of our cherished Bill of Rights.”

Dear Mr. Hodges. It’s much worse than that.

One goal of the Defense Innovation Advisory Board is to get solutions to Department of Defense problems – like what? Freedom in America?

Here’s what the Defense Department says about this new (or perhaps not so new) Defense Innovation Advisory Board:

“The board’s mandate is to provide department leaders independent advice on innovative and adaptive means to address future organizational and cultural challenges, including the use of technology alternatives, streamlined project management processes and approaches – all with the goal of identifying quick solutions to DoD problems.

“The Defense Innovation Advisory Board will seek to advise the department on areas that are deeply familiar to Silicon Valley companies, such as rapid prototyping, iterative product development, complex data analysis in business decision making, the use of mobile and cloud applications, and organizational information sharing.”

What is organizational information sharing? Google. Nazi. The coming Transhuman Totalitarian Scientific Dictatorship.

Mr. Hodges alludes to his fear of the destruction of the 4th Amendment. It’s bigger than that, Dave. Even though many Americans are still driving their cars without checkpoints, and some even have freedom to get raw milk from a local farmer and millions more are depending on Big Daddy’s Social Security checks for food and shelter. Yes, America still has an appearance of freedom and I am beyond thankful to the Almighty every second that no troops are trampling the streets and drones targeting your sim cards aren’t flying overhead. I mean, I weep when I ponder the destruction wrought by the sociopaths in power. Let me correct myself. We’re fighting demonic spirits, not flesh. And you don’t use carnal weapons in spiritual warfare. But I digress. We have an appearance of freedom right now, that is, unless you’re the grandmother whose house was run over by a SWAT team who had the wrong address and killed your grandchild. And Aiyana Stanley-Jones ain’t alone.

So, Eric Schmidt is going to head up this Defense Innovation Advisory Board. He’s also the founding partner on Innovation Endeavors, where topics like the Internet of Things, synthetic food, (but don’t we need real food?) cyber security, electronic money and other what they call “deep learning” subjects are on his plate. But as intelligent as Mr. Schmidt is, does he know anything about history? It’s clear he’s just following an old playbook, as historian Edwin Black so diligently pointed out in the collusion between the Nazi’s and IBM in his marvelous novel, IBM and the Holocaust, originally released in 2001.

Maybe Eric Schmidt fancies himself as a history maker like IBM’s Thomas Watson.

Mr. Black discovered new documents about the agreements between IBM President Thomas Watson and the Nazi’s that led to a second release of his book in 2012.  Here’s a smidgen of what he uncovered:

“Among the newly-released documents and archival materials are secret 1941 correspondence setting up the Dutch subsidiary of IBM to work in tandem with the Nazis, company President Thomas Watson’s personal approval for the 1939 release of special IBM alphabetizing machines to help organize the rape of Poland and the deportation of Polish Jews, as well as the IBM Concentration Camp Codes including IBM’s code for death by Gas Chamber. Among the newly published photos of the punch cards is the one developed for the statistician who reported directly to Himmler and Eichmann.

“The significance of the incriminating documents requires context.

“Punch cards, also called Hollerith cards after IBM founder Herman Hollerith, were the forerunner of the computers that IBM is famous for today. These cards stored information in holes punched in the rows and columns, which were then “read” by a tabulating machine. The system worked like a player piano – but this one was devoted to the devil’s music. First designed to track people and organize a census, the Hollerith system was later adapted to any tabulation or information task.”

Any tabulation or information task, huh? Google’s got that down in spades, don’t you think? Wake up America.

(Photo credit: VWF Post 3830)
