A look at the world’s first tank drone

April 22nd, 2016, by

Despite public opposition, drone technology continues to advance. Russia has developed the first tank drone, which is expected to make its way onto the international market very soon.

Rosoboronexport is the international agency behind the tank drone. According to the group, the combat vehicle is intended to combat terrorist groups and perhaps mechanize the infantry force.

“The Uran-9 will be particularly useful during local military and counter-terror operations, including those in cities. Its use will significantly reduce personnel casualties,” Rosoboronexport said in a press released.

“Each Uran-9 combat vehicle is armed with a 2A72 30mm automatic cannon, a 7.62mm machine gun and M120 Ataka anti-tank guided missiles, giving the machines a significant punch. The inclusion of the Ataka missiles gives the diminutive robot the capability to engage and destroy the most modern battle tanks from ranges as great as 8,000 meters. The robots are also fitted with an array of sensors—including a laser warning system and target detection, identification and tracking equipment.”

“The Uran-9 system is not just a single vehicle. It’s a complete system that can be deployed with an infantry unit. The system consists of two robotic reconnaissance/fire support vehicles, a truck to carry those robots and a mobile command post.”

Drones will occupy the land and the sky

To make matters worse, this technology will meet and beat conventional airborne drones. This technology isn’t just a rehashed drone bound to the ground. It is going to change the very nature of warfare and society in general. Although this may not manifest immediately, it is a slippery slope that will turn society upside down.

Human warfare has so far consisted of just that – humans. There has also been a finger behind the trigger of a weapon, from guns to nuclear weapons. For centuries, dictators, kings and rulers have had to persuade the people to fight in their name, often with money. If rulers no longer need to persuade people to go to war, democracy crumbles.

If leaders no longer need people to go to war for them, then they can disregard the will of the people. In most cases, there is a certain limit that tyrant’s won’t breach if they don’t want to risk mass rebellion. In this day and age, however, land based drones will begin to substitute infantrymen. And unlike people, robots don’t have a will. They will decimate and kill whatever they are programmed to decimate and kill.

A slippery to unstoppable tyranny

Authorities don’t have to wait to completely replace human soldiers with land drones for this to take place. Many people in the military will follow orders no matter what, swearing a blind allegiance to the country. All the government needs is enough drones to compensate for those men and women who are not cooperative.

Nevertheless, an entire army of robots would be ideal for a world leader. The success of a rebellion would be dependent on how much money and facilities the ruling class commands. In the United States, where the right to bear arms is regarded as sacrosanct, the population wouldn’t have the firearms necessary to combat an army of drones.

In short, governments that have the financial means to build land based drones run the risk of unmatched tyranny. When the will of government is used to clash with an armed population, the former couldn’t match the latter. With land based drones on the horizon, however, human resistance to government tyranny could be in its twilight.

Sources include:

(1) TheDailySheeple.com