When China attacks with it’s ‘terrifying’ new nuclear missiles, you will have less than 30 minutes’ warning, almost anywhere on the planet

May 24th, 2016, by

The Chinese regime allegedly tested a ballistic missile on April 12, which has the ability decimate major cities dotted throughout Europe and the United States in just 30 minutes.

The People’s Republic are said to have fired a nuke known as Dongfeng-41, which has the longest range of any missile on the planet. It can harbor up to 10 warheads over a distance of about 7,450 miles in half an hour. The missile has the potential to destroy all of London, which is located 5,000 miles from the Chinese capital.

Anonymous Pentagon officials disclosed the specifics of the missile test to the Washington Free Beacon. They reputably kept tabs on the paths of the two missiles, which showed up on military satellites and regional sensors, reports Epoch Times.

Previous reports suggested that the Dongfeng-41 could be up and running sometime this year. Mark Stokes, a Chinese military expert and ex-Pentagon analyst, told sources: “China and Russia are increasingly coordinating their military forces against the United States and that China’s program of enabling North Korea and Iran to become nuclear missile powers is nearing completion.”

Boom goes the dynamite

Authorities did not note where the test took place; however, former tests have been carried out from the Wuzhai Missile and Space Test Center in central China, according to another article by Free Beacon. Usually, Chinese missiles are launched from central China and sent westward. This time around, however, the missile followed a trajectory towards the south at the South China Sea. This is perhaps the first time China has fired an ICBM into the South China Sea.

China has batted against these allegations, claiming they are “pure conjecture,” and that the recent test was conducted simply near the Sea. Nevertheless, China has also declared that they have the right to conduct these tests within Chinese territory. The country has claimed almost 90 percent of the South China Sea; although, some of the territory is claimed by other countries.

Various states close to China now possess weapons of mass destruction. North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, for instance, has nuclear weapons, which could soon be targeted at America and Japan. Kim was recently seen in a picture standing next to what is believed to a miniaturized warhead. Kim allegedly said, “We must always be ready to fire our nuclear warheads at any time.” It is worried Kim may have anywhere from 8 t0 20 miniaturized warheads at his disposal.

These concerns come just after the U.S. senate forewarned Kim could soon have missiles capable of hitting American and Japanese cities. General Vincent Brooks told the Armed Services Committee that, “Over time, I believe we’re going to see them acquire these capabilities if they’re not stopped.”

Senator John McCain, who chairs the committee, asked Brooks how worried he was bout the “immaturity and unpredictability of the rotund ruler in Pyongyang”. In response, Brooks said, “I’m very concerned about the direction he’s going, and it’s evident that he’s not yet deterred from his pursuit.”

Tensions grow between North Korea and China

China stood behind North Korea during the Korean War, but has grown perturbed by the chicanery tactics of Kim, who rose to power in wake of his father’s death in 2011.

Pyongyang conducted a test last week, which officials believe was a medium-range missile; however, the rocket launch was a massive failure. Regardless, the United States may have to use its Theater High Altitude Area Defense System (THAAD), to keep ballistic missiles from the North at bay.

North Korea is expected to conduct a missile test on May 27th. Some experts suspect Kim’s missiles can travel farther than previous estimates suggest.

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