Saturday, December 24, 2016 by Mike Adams
In a wildly viral article from TheEconomicCollapseBlog.com, Michael Snyder reveals that prepping has collapsed among Trump supporters since the day of the election. “[I]nterest in prepping is probably the lowest that it has ever been in the history of the modern prepper movement. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote an article about how it was like ‘a nuclear bomb went off in the prepping community’, and nothing has changed since that time,” Snyder wrote.
Liberals and leftists, meanwhile, are suddenly stocking up like mad on food, guns and ammo. In an article titled, “Now it’s the liberals who are arming up,” McClatchyDC.com reports, “Gun shop owner Michael Cargill told NBC News gun classes at his Austin, Texas store are selling out. He’s noticed an increase in LGBTQ, African-American, Hispanic and Muslim customers. Store owners told NBC they’ve seen up to four times as many minority customers than is typical.”
Liberals, it seems, are scared about the possible rise in “hate crimes” under a Trump presidency. What they don’t realize, of course, is that nearly all the hate crimes are hate hoaxes committed by leftists. But that doesn’t stop them from buying guns, which is probably a smart thing to do no matter what the fear behind it.
My warning for all preppers — no matter what your political affiliation — is that if you’ve been lulled into a sense of complacency by the rising stock market and the Trump election victory, you could be making the biggest mistake of your life. Here’s why:
The Federal Reserve has already set the debt collapse apocalypse into motion by raising interest rates. The dominoes that will fall have already begun to tumble. The Fed promises two more interest rate hikes (at least) next year, giving the absurd excuse that the “Obama economy is overheating” from all its economic abundance and must therefore be slowed down using interest rate hikes.
This is all being done to create a false narrative that Obama is handing Trump a “robust economy.” Next, rising interest rates are coupled with a halting of quantitative easing and the acceleration of debt instrument failures in Europe. The result is that at some moment in President Trump’s first term, the global debt collapse is unleashed, unraveling the decades of debt creation and mindless bank deregulation we all witnessed under Clinton, Bush and Obama.
When that nightmare lands in Trump’s lap, the most likely outcome in the streets of America will be mass riots and social chaos at a level America has never before witnessed. Remember: This is all being set into motion to blame Trump and discredit the Republican party. I’ve released a mini-documentary explaining all this. You can read the full transcript at this link. Watch the video here:
It’s difficult to give you the full picture of what these riots will really look like, but I can start by explaining that the food stamps will almost certainly stop working for an extended period of time. You can probably imagine what that will mean in America’s inner cities. No free food from the government? Burn it down! (That’s what the food stamp recipients will be shouting as the also chant, “Kill the pigs!”)
But let me back up for a second and share something that will help you understand the “financial freeze” that will immediately follow the global debt collapse. There’s an outstanding book by Jim Rickards called The Road to Ruin: The Global Elites’ Secret Plan for the Next Financial Crisis. I strongly recommend you read or listen to this book (it’s available on Audible.com, too).
As Rickards explains, the government’s solution to the next big banking crisis will be to “freeze” institutions and transactions, much like the “Ice-Nine” molecule in Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle fiction novel. As described in the book, Ice-Nine was a special kind of water molecule that was frozen solid at room temperature (its melting point was higher than room temperature). More importantly, Ice-Nine would convert all other water molecules it touched into Ice-Nine molecules. Thus, it could spread like a molecular pandemic, freezing ponds, streams, rivers and eventually, entire oceans.
The coming debt collapse will function much like Ice-Nine, Rickards explains. Because of the global interconnectedness of central banks, investment funds and retail banks, once the next large collapse strikes a single institution, it will spread to all the other connected institutions, “freezing” their transactions and assets in the same way that Ice-Nine would freeze rivers and lakes.
The newly frozen institutions will, in turn, spread the “financial freeze” to all the other institutions to which it is connected. Because no bank operates in isolation these days — everything is connected — the Ice-Nine financial freeze will quickly spread through the entire financial system, locking up the western world’s financial infrastructure on which everything in our society depends (including food stamps).
This means no one will be able to get cash out of their ATMs. Food stamps won’t work. Credit card transactions will be halted at retail. Businesses won’t be able to write checks, wire money or deposit funds. Essentially, just imagine the worst case scenario in the world of banking and finance… that’s what’s coming.
The effects on the streets shouldn’t be difficult to visualize. As the following chart from Visual Capitalist shows, nearly 52% of Millennials have less than $1,000 in savings. This number is even worse among females, where nearly 57% have less than $1,000 in savings.
Across the nation, the numbers are similarly alarming. A 2013 article from CNN.com reported that “Roughly three-quarters of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck, with little to no emergency savings, according to a survey released by Bankrate.com Monday.”
The article explains that 22% of Americans don’t even have enough cash to cover a $100 emergency expense, and 46% can’t cover an $800 expense.
Consider how this plays out when the Ice-Nine freeze kicks in across America’s financial institutions. Bluntly stated, approximately half the population will face starvation in just one week due to an inability to purchase food.
That’s when nearly every major U.S. city begins to burn. President Trump will have no choice but to declare martial law and roll out troops on the streets. The starving masses — mostly leftists who failed to prepare — will loot, steal, rob and murder anyone in sight if it gives them something to eat.
It is during this time that you will thank yourself for having some storable food on hand (like my certified organic survival food buckets). You’ll be thrilled that you picked up that extra Glock or POF-USA rifle. You’ll wish you had spent twice as much money on ammo, gold and silver (instead of the Starbucks, porn and lotto tickets you blew it on).
As you ponder all this, don’t forget about the mindless liberal “zombies” who will wander out of the cities in a desperate effort to loot the suburbs and countryside for food and medicine supplies. I know, it’s insulting to call them “zombies.” But it’s actually not a bad description for a humanoid organism of low intelligence that’s incapable of planning. Those are the ones will will be the greatest threat to you and your safety (their total lack of preparedness turns into YOUR emergency when they show up at your door demanding you “share” your stuff).
The communist-leaning philosophy of the political left is also extremely dangerous during times of social chaos. Because they’ve been taught that “inequality” is an evil thing, they truly believe that your stuff belongs in their hands so that everybody is “equal.” Of course, they didn’t spend equal time or money to prepare, did they? So what they’re really doing is justifying their theft by calling it “equality.” (And that’s communism in a nutshell, come to think of it.)
If you live in a rural area, you may want to double check the range, in yards, to your front gate, and match it to your DOPE charts. If you don’t know why that’s important, you might not be qualified to live in the country during a zombie apocalypse. Make sure you have a PVS-14 at the ready, since the zombies come out at night, as Michael Jackson showed us in Thriller.
I’m also a proponent of micro-caching, meaning hiding your stuff in small containers that are distributed in different places around your home or yard. Don’t have all your stash in one place. It’s not a bad idea to have a spare handgun, ammo and some gold or silver coins buried in an air-tight, water-tight container that you can recover when needed. The MTM SAC Survivor Ammo Can is a good choice. You can pick these up for around $20.
Find a great review of survival caching at SurvivalCache.com, which covers humidity, corrosion control and other topics.
I’ve just launched a new website that hasn’t even been announced yet. It’s called CENSORED.news
There, we bring you all the top headlines (in near real-time) from the largest and most censored alternative news sites on the ‘net. Monitor that site for breaking news from all your favorite news sources.
I’m also the creator of GoodGopher.com, the independent media search engine that allows you to find information that’s banned by Google, Facebook and Twitter. Search GoodGopher.com for anything, including details on survival caching, gun selection, precious metals and more.
Of course, also keep checking Natural News and News Target for more news on preparedness and survival. Throughout 2017, I’ll be focusing on bringing you a lot of hands on how-to content for self-reliance and survival.
Tagged Under: Tags: ammo, Donald Trump, financial collapse, guns, preparedness, prepping, riots, social unrest, survival, survival food