Sunday, June 25, 2017 by JD Heyes
For a number of years now, Texas has been a beacon of freedom — physically, economically, spiritually — millions of Americans have flocked to in order to start living a better life. And while no place on earth is perfect, the Lone Star state gets pretty close when it comes to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Unlike Left-wing states run by Democrats — like Illinois, which is broke, or California, which is insane and cost-prohibitive, or New Jersey, where property taxes are through the roof — Texas is a perfect home for small-government conservatives who favor traditional American values like law and order, faith, family, community and maximum freedom.
And that’s why a new company is pitching Texas’ deep red state conservatism to like-minded Americans all over the country.
A new website, conservativemove.com, attempts to lure conservative-minded folk to Texas and other conservative portions of the country. Based in McKinney, Texas the company is getting interest from around the country, targeting right-leaning Americans who are currently forced for a variety of reasons to endure an existence in a Democrat-run blue state.
With a tag of “Helping Families Move Right,” the website and company founder, Paul Chabot, told CBS-DFW last week that the first two homes owned by clients living in California went on the market. Furthermore, five additional clients are looking for homes in North Texas.
In all, he said, the company has fielded inquiries from more than 500 people living in more than 40 states.
“They’re dead serious,” he said of people who are discussing a move to Texas. “They are absolutely dead serious on doing it.”
Chabot says that he made the move to the Lone Star State with his wife and four kids in January. He ran unsuccessfully for Congress twice in the Golden State, deciding after the second bid that California did not represent him or his views any longer. He said that other people expressed similar interest at his going-away party, and so the idea for his company was born.
CBS-DFS reports further:
The site offers a simple arrangement, connecting sellers with conservative realtors to unload their current home, and then with conservative realtors in North Texas to find a new one.
“Finding homes based on political preference isn’t really that hard,” said realtor Derek Baker, adding that finding conservatism in North Texas isn’t hard.
“What we’re trying to do is appeal to someone based on the same values and reasons that we live here,” Baker said, adding that he had scores of additional leads just last week from Americans living in California cities like Chico, Modesto and Upland.
One of those leads wrote that they were looking to move within two years, while another said they were tired of “Commie-fornia.” (RELATED: Waves of California’s economic and medical refugees begin moving to Texas in search of freedom)
Right now Chabot says he is focusing on California and North Texas. He added that he has yet to place any advertising, such as billboards, in places like Los Angeles and San Francisco, but he notes that is something he is planning to do at some point. And he wants to widen his reach.
Political leanings and viewpoints typically are not revealed on most real estate listings, but Chabot says that it isn’t as weird or out there as it may seem.
“A low tax burden, strong economy, and neighborhoods built for families (he says) are what makes the area great,” CBS-DFW reported.
The trend of Americans moving out of California has been occurring for years. Most are moving because they can no longer afford to live there. CNN/Money reported in November that for every new home buyer in California, three homeowners are selling and leaving.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: California, conservatives, Red State, relocate, Texas