Sunday, March 04, 2018 by David Williams
A gun is one of the most important items that you can have in your survival kit. Along with the basic items needed to survive, a gun can help you make it quite far in a world where things might have already become messed up beyond recognition.
However, you need to be careful, since not all guns are created equal. Not only that, but certain guns are more useful in certain situations, settings, and applications than others. That is to say, you’d want to pick the right gun for the right job, to be used during the right time. And those aren’t the only things that you need to worry about when choosing a gun.
When considering the use of a gun during potential survival situations, it’s also important to factor in the availability, the required maintenance costs and efforts, and the storage needs of whatever gun you eventually choose. With all of that said, you’ll find some useful tips below that you can use as you search for the proper and worthy firearm for your needs.
First off, it’s important to understand exactly why a gun can be necessary, if not essential, to living a survivalist life. Guns can be used both proactively – as in when you’re hunting – or reactively – as in matters of self-defense. Whatever the case may be, there are many situations where the mere existence of a gun can save your own life or someone else’s. With proper safety and usage precautions, it can be a versatile tool for survival.
So how do you know which one you should look for, and how can you best maximize your use of it? Here are some tips and reminders for you to remember.
When choosing a firearm, it’s important to note a number of things, the first of which is its availability. If a gun is readily available in your area, you have to make sure that its ammo can be easily acquired as well. After all, what use is a gun without any ammo?
Next, you should consider the types of situation wherein you are likely to use your gun. Do you intend to use it while hunting out in the wild, or simply as a last resort during self-defense situations? Understanding the needs of each specific situation will help you determine what firearm you should choose for yourself.
The last thing you need to think about before deciding on a firearm is whether or not you can operate it easily yourself. Some guns are harder to handle and fire than others, so you need to make sure that the one you get is something suited for you. Otherwise, you’d risk harming yourself as well as others in case you ever need or decide to use it.
Once you’ve chosen a gun and have begun to use it, the next thing you need to worry about is proper maintenance. Properly maintaining a gun requires pretty much the same effort, which means regular cleaning and proper storage. A gun should be cleaned right after each use, and some guns like revolvers may need better care than others, and safely stored in a proper storage location.
That brings us to the next most important requirement of owning a gun: Proper storage options. Fortunately for you, there are plenty of different storage options available, ranging from gun cases, to trigger locks, and even gun safes. The more important thing is that you keep it out of reach of not only children, but any individual that hasn’t earned your trust. If possible, limit access to a gun to no one but yourself.
Remember these tips and you’re guaranteed to have a worry-free survivalist life.
Find out more ways you can prepare yourself for emergencies in Preparedness.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: firearms, firearms maintenance, Gear, gun maintenance, gun safety, guns, prepper guns, prepping, survival, survivalist guns