Monday, March 11, 2019 by Mary Miller
Self-reliance means being able to take care of yourself without needing help from anyone else. This might be one of the most important skills you can learn to prepare yourself for when SHTF, but it can also help you to get through any difficult situation in your everyday life. It can give you the chance to become a more independent and well-rounded individual. That way, you can live life on your own terms and better plan for your future. Here are some useful tips you can follow to become a more self-reliant person. (h/t to FoodStorageMoms.com.)
No matter how much money you have, there may come a time when you will be unable to simply buy pre-cooked meals at a store or restaurant. You might find yourself all alone during a survival situation. In this scenario, you will have to make do with whatever you have stocked in your pantry or refrigerator. This is also an excellent reason to always keep your pantry well-stocked. Either way, you will need to make a meal from scratch or end up going to bed hungry. Fortunately, learning how to cook basic meals shouldn’t be too hard if you have access to the internet. There are plenty of tutorial videos you can watch to pick up a few easy recipes that make use of common ingredients. If you want a more hands-on approach, you can enroll in a cooking class and learn directly from experts. You can even exchange tips with like-minded people.
Another step you can take towards total self-reliance is to grow your own food supply. What could possibly be more satisfying by cooking a meal from scratch using the vegetables you grew yourself? Even if you don’t reach the level of complete, self-reliant food production, growing an edible garden can certainly supplement your existing food supply. An edible garden can even help you save on expenses. Why make a trip to your local grocery store when you can easily get your fresh pick of produce right in your backyard? The best part is that you aren’t limited by the availability of your favorite fruits and vegetables on the market. As long as you can grow it, you get to eat it. (Related: Self-reliance in the city: One family proves it’s possible.)
You can gain a sense of accomplishment by learning a variety of new and useful skills. With a wider and more diverse skill set, you will become less likely to feel helpless when faced with a challenging situation. Self-reliance can push you out of your comfort zone and force you to adapt to any scenario. It can move you along the right path to self-improvement and progress. Why stop at cooking and gardening? There are so many practical skills out there just waiting for you to learn them. You can apply these skills during a survival situation or even in your everyday life. What is important is that you never stop learning. With an arsenal of practical skills at your disposal, you can overcome anything.
If you really want to save money, it will require discipline. You will have to let go of the occasional luxuries to focus on what you actually need to get by. Live on less money than you make, so that you can set aside money for the future. Try to save a minimum of at least a dollar a week. This can be a feasible goal and you can use the money as an emergency fund if ever SHTF. Another practical skill you can learn is how to make basic repairs. This can also help you to save money, since you will be able to avoid buying items to replace broken ones.
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Tagged Under: Tags: budget prepping, bug out, cooking, edible gardens, emergencies, food production, food supply, off grid, offgrid, outdoors, practical skills, preparedness, Preppers, prepping, prepping tips, self sufficiency, self-reliance, SHTF, survival, survival skills, Survival Tips, survivalist