Bugout News

Keep it together when disaster strikes: 10 Survival uses of the humble safety pin

Wednesday, November 13, 2019 by

Prepping newbies may be put off by the cost of acquiring survival gear and stockpiling supplies before SHTF. But prepping is all about being resourceful, finding a use for anything, even simple items like safety pins. (h/t to ReadyNutrition.com)

A prepper is more than his gear

Being able to afford expensive survival gear doesn’t necessarily make you a prepper. All that gear will not serve you when SHTF if you don’t know how to use them properly and if you don’t learn essential survival skills, like reusing and upcycling old items. You don’t have to burn through all your savings to build your survival stockpile. To reduce your expenses, look for simple, low-cost solutions that will help you stay within your budget.

For example, safety pins are simple items, yet they have various survival uses. Before disaster strikes, store half a dozen safety pins of various sizes in your everyday carry kit (EDC kit) or bug-out bag (BOB).

Study the list below and practice what you can do with safety pins in a survival scenario. (Related: The versatile safety pin: 17 reasons you should have some in your bugout bag and survival cache.)

  1. Cleaning tool
  2. Emergency lock pick
  3. For securing bandages or wound dressings
  4. Lance for a boil
  5. Makeshift fishhooks
  6. Temporary fasteners for clothing
  7. Probe tool for medical emergencies
  8. Support (individual safety pin or a chain)
  9. Suture substitute
  10. Toothpick or dental first aid tool

Still don’t think safety pins are useful? What about in the following scenarios?

Clothing repair

If you tear a hole in your pants or shirt, you can secure the material with a safety pin until you have time to stop and repair the hole with a sewing kit.

For removing splinters

Before you use a safety pin to remove splinters, sterilize the sharp point of the pin to prevent infections. Burn the end of the pin for at least 10 seconds with a lighter or match, then dip it in alcohol if you have some in your kit.

A sterilized safety pin can also be used to lance a bad wound and get rid of pus.

Safety pin fishhook

To make a safety pin fishhook, you need a pin and a multitool or pliers.


  1. Open the safety pin and use your multitool to cut the end of the pin with the clasp as close as possible to the spring.
  2. Take the pin half with the spring and the sharp point, then twist the pointy end to form a bend until you have a hook.
  3. Find a sturdy stick, secure one end of your fishing line to the stick then tie the other end of the line on the pin spring.
  4. Secure bait like a worm or a grasshopper on the sharp point of the safety pin “hook.”

Keep safety pins where you can get to them easily when SHTF. For example, if you’re wearing a hat, you can fasten three to six safety pins in your hatband.

Make it a habit to find survival uses for common items around your home. In a disaster, you’ll be grateful for safety pins and other ordinary items. Your prepper ingenuity might even save a life or prevent further injury.

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