Tuesday, December 24, 2019 by Grace Olson
You may be confident that your bug-out location has complete supplies and the latest tech. But remember: you’ll have to get there first.
A lot of preppers tend to forget about their bug-out vehicles (BOV). For some, BOVs are only meant to carry you to your bug-out location, and that’s that. However, a lot of things can happen on the road. Before you know it, you may find yourself in a situation wherein your survival depends on your BOV. (h/t to DoomsdayMoose.com)
For this reason, you need to make sure that your BOV – whether it’s a souped-up truck or the average car – is prepped and always ready to go. Here is a guide to help you get started:
A lot of people buy cars without knowing how to maintain them, and that’s okay. There are mechanics that can help you with that after all. As a prepper, however, you need to think differently. Out on the road, with a natural disaster right on your heels – unless you’re knowledgeable about cars, you’re a sitting duck.
This means that you need to know your BOV. Do your homework on cars, how to properly maintain them and be sensitive to any unusual sounds your BOV may emit.
Here are some ways to ensure that your BOV is maintained:
You can always take your bug-out bag once SHTF. However, maximize the space of your car to store some extra supplies. Here are some of the crucial items that you need:
Out on the open road, anything can happen. Your BOV may be in perfect working condition, but the unexpected happens. You wind up with the BOV damaged, and you’re stuck on the open road. For this reason, you need an emergency road kit to get your BOV back on track.
Here are some items your emergency road kit needs to have:
Aside from the items listed above, adding the following equipment below can substantially improve your ride during an SHTF situation.
These are only some of the supplies and gear that you need to prep your BOV. To learn more about bugging out — whether it’s your car, bag, or alternative location – go to BugOut.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: bug out, bugging out, car window breaker, Collapse, disaster, drinking water, emergency food, emergency preparedness, first-aid kit, off grid, portable car jumper, preparedness, prepping, road trips, roadside safety kit, self-reliance, SHTF, survival, survival essentials, survival gear, survival supplies, survival tools, tips, travel