Sunday, January 05, 2020 by Darnel Fernandez
If you’ve dabbled in the art of prepping and browsed articles on the subject, then you’ve probably come across the term EMP, or electromagnetic pulse. And while the concept and mechanics behind an electromagnetic pulse attack might seem like something straight out of a science fiction novel, the threat is very real —albeit one that not a lot of people know about.
Regardless of the validity of the existence of EMPs, it is a prepper’s duty to prepare for any and all potential disasters that could affect their area. If an EMP were to hit, it could cause widespread damage and chaos throughout the nation. This article tackles everything you need to know about EMPs. (H/t AYearWithoutTheGroceryStore.com)
Years and years of innovation and technological advances have led to a society that relies on electricity-powered gadgets, appliances and devices to function to the point that many people can’t even imagine a world without the luxury and convenience associated with the said items. Most electrical outages are no cause for alarm for most people because they often last for only a few hours, although some last a few days. However, if an EMP were to strike the United States, the situation would be completely different.
An EMP is a sudden burst of electromagnetically-charged energy caused by either a weapon detonation or a solar flare. At first, it doesn’t seem that scary, especially when described that way. This is on top of the fact that EMPs do not cause any direct damage to any living creature. However, this doesn’t mean you should dismiss EMPs as a threat. What this burst of energy actually does is take down a country’s means to defend itself by targeting the electrical grid and communications network. This means no power, no cellphones, no transportation systems, no banking, no water filtration and no internet, among other things.
The general expectation on the outcome of an EMP attack is basically society plunging back into the dark ages, where electricity wasn’t as abundant and people lived freely without technology. Of course, this process also involves societal collapse and massive loss of life. There are even experts claiming that close to 90 percent of the entire U.S. population could die if the power grid goes down due to an EMP attack: planes would start falling out of the sky, many newer cars would simply stop working, and all forms of life support in hospitals would just shut down immediately.
EMPs may not be able to physically harm you directly, but its devastating effects on society could not be ignored. Thankfully, being a prepper lessens the burden of living a life without electricity. (Related: 10 Practical tips that will help you survive a long-term disaster without electricity.)
Preparing for an EMP attack is the same as preparing for any other type of disaster. You can start with having a healthy supply of both food and water, alongside a reliable non-electrical water filtration system. If you live in a big city, you might find it beneficial to bug-out to the much safer countryside to stay away from all the chaos that could start in cities with large populations. Here are three other things you can do to prep for living in a post-EMP world.
An EMP attack can drastically change society as we know it, but you can make things easier for yourself by prepping accordingly. For similar stories on how to survive a post-EMP world, visit EMP.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: bug out, Collapse, disaster, electricity, electronics, emergency, EMP, EMP weapons, grid down, power grid, preparedness, prepper, prepping, SHTF, solar flare, survival, Survival Tips, survivalist