Thursday, February 13, 2020 by Zoey Sky
Preppers need various tools and supplies, but you must keep in mind that when SHTF, the best “tools” to have are your survival skills. (h/t to BackdoorSurvival.com)
You don’t always need to spend money to learn more skills. If you prefer to learn on your own or through other means, check out the learning strategies detailed below:
The internet is a treasure trove of information if you know where to look. Check prepper or survival forums, or ask around for informative videos on different topics.
With an online video tutorial, which you can pause and rewind until you finally master a skill, such as knot tying. If you’re not sure about spending time and money on several classes, watch a video to decide which skills are interesting to you.
There are libraries that offer free online classes to cardholders. If you’re nervous about joining a real classroom setting, you can proceed at your own pace with online classes.
Some community colleges offer classes that would be useful in survival situations. Some classes to consider include carpentry, weaving or blacksmithing.
You can also ask community colleges in your area if they offer discounts for seniors or veterans. You can also avail of other classes for a small fee or fee if you qualify for financial aid programs. (Related: 10 Survival skills everyone needs to know.)
Joining a local community garden program can teach you the essential skills that you can use to cultivate your home garden. These organizations are also a great place to meet others who wish to be more self-sufficient.
Teaching someone else gives you a chance to practice. As a bonus, you also help a friend or loved one prepare before SHTF.
Teaching your skills to another person can also help you identify areas of improvement or enhance your understanding of the basics.
Don’t get complacent if you already know a handful of skills. Take the time to practice your skills in not so ideal conditions, such as under time pressure or in bad weather.
Try building a fire without a fire-starting kit or using wet firewood and no matches. When SHTF, you can confidently start a fire with only basic materials.
Don’t just buy gear and leave them in your bug-out bag. Take each item, read the instruction manual and practice until you get the hang of each tool.
Consider buying high-quality gear that’s a bit more expensive but is sure to last longer even after a bit of wear and tear.
A fit body is another important “tool” in your survival arsenal. If you have health conditions or are disabled, you should stay fit so you can move around and get your preps ready after disaster strikes.
Follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly to ensure that you are physically and mentally fit at all times.
Just because things seem quiet and comfortable doesn’t mean SHTF. It’s better to prepare now than wait until it’s too late.
Be patient with your family if you’re the only one with a survival mindset. Teach them why survival and prepping is important and show them that life can be easier by making preps for all kinds of scenarios.
Not sure where to start? Learn one or two of the important survival skills below.
Assess your survival skills and learn new ones to compensate for any weaknesses. If you have spare time, teach others your survival skills so you can help each other out when SHTF.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Collapse, disaster, emergency preparedness, foraging, homesteading, off grid, patriot, physical fitness, prepping, prepping skills, self sufficiency, self-reliance, SHTF, survival, survival skills, survival tools, wilderness survival