Tuesday, June 02, 2020 by Zoey Sky
In a post-SHTF world, you need to learn how to blend in and be untraceable. This is crucial if you want to stay safe and protect your loved ones from those who wish harm you or steal your supplies. (h/t to Survivopedia.com)
Your pattern of life (PoL) is the sum of your habits. This means in the context of privacy, you make choices every day that influence how free you are from surveillance or disclosure of sensitive information.
To truly maintain your privacy, as a prepper you need to make some adjustments and even sacrifices.
PoL data can be gleaned from your credit or bank records, IDs, camera systems, automated license plate recognition systems and online behaviors. For example, the National Security Agency (NSA) uses a database and analysis toolset called MARINA to track intercepted internet metadata. Whether you’re a U.S. citizen or not, MARINA tracks what you do as you browse the internet.
You can be tracked down through your spending habits, which is easier to do if you’re always using credit or debit cards. To keep people off your trail, always pay using cash or barter when possible.
Rent until you can afford to buy. When making major purchases like cars, firearms, home or gadgets, pay using cash.
Using cash also minimizes the paperwork you need to accomplish.
As a prepper, you should also be prepared for a financial emergency by having enough money in a savings account.
Below are some tips that can help you save money as you prep:
Maintain your privacy by destroying unneeded documents that contain sensitive information using the following methods.
Shredding or milling (dry process)
Don’t use store-bought strip or crosscut shredders since documents destroyed using these items can be reconstructed.
Instead, use an NSA-approved micro-cut shredder. These products cut a document into more and smaller pieces than strip or cross-cut shredders.
Use a home incinerator made to withstand the elements with plenty of ventilation. If you’re going to shred documents before incineration, install a screen to ensure that shredded material isn’t blown away by the wind.
Pulping (wet process)
To pulp sensitive documents, you need water, a large water-tight tub or trash bin and an agitator like a drill with a paint mixer attachment. Use material that is water-soluble.
First, add material to the large tub or bin. Add a lot of water, then cover the paper completely. Let it sit for a day.
Agitate the material thoroughly with the electric drill fitted with a paint mixer. Once pulped, the paper will resemble oatmeal.
You can even press the pulp to remove the water and make dry pellets, bricks or paper “logs” that you can burn instead of wood.
Information like your spending habits and the stores you frequent can reveal a lot about you as a prepper.
To truly stay off the grid, you must practice the following:
As a prepper, you can’t be careless even in a post-SHTF world. Learn more about your privacy as a prepper at Preparedness.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: emergency, identification, off grid, preparedness, prepping tips, privacy, self-reliance, SHTF, Stealth, survival, survival skills, Survival Tips