Friday, June 26, 2020 by Zoey Sky
Living in the city can be dangerous, so you need some gear like pepper spray, firearms or other self-defense weapons. When SHTF and intruders attempt to trespass on your property, you can protect yourself with a weapon that suits your needs. You can choose a gun or non-lethal options like a baseball bat. (h/t to ApartmentPrepper.com)
It’s best to use non-lethal weapons for minor threats. Below are some suggestions if you’re looking for non-lethal self-defense options.
Stun gun (direct-contact or ranged)
Stun guns are a popular choice for those who prefer non-lethal defense weapons because they can effectively incapacitate attackers.
Modern stun guns can be as small as a USB flash drive and still deliver more than 20 million volts of power. Stun guns work by attacking the neurological and muscular systems with electrical voltage.
A moment of contact with your stun gun is enough to make an attacker let go of you, giving you a chance to run away. At least three to five seconds of constant voltage will be enough to disorient your attacker.
Stun guns are small, and when used properly, you have little to no chance of hurting yourself with it. However, stun guns may only be effective for a short while and you need to be closer to your target before you can use it.
Pepper spray
Note that pepper spray is different from mace. The latter is a brand name for tear gas or phenacyl chloride (CN).
A pepper spray works fast enough to stop an attacker in his tracks. Oleoresin capsicum spray, or OC spray, works by irritating the eyes, nose, mouth, skin, lungs and sinuses upon contact or inhalation.
Shooting pepper spray in the face of your attacker for two seconds will render them incapacitated for 15 minutes up to one hour.
Pepper spray is lightweight and portable and it’s easy to use. Unlike a stun gun, pepper spray doesn’t require electricity. However, you may end up spraying yourself if you use pepper spray into headwind.
If your non-lethal weapons are ineffective, move on to less-lethal weapons.
Baseball bats
A polypropylene baseball bat is strong enough to be used as a self-defense weapon. When used with enough force, you can subdue a violent attacker with a baseball bat. It’s also long enough so you can keep your distance.
One downside is a baseball bat won’t be as effective in a fight in cramped spaces.
Collapsible baton
Smaller than a baseball bat but still hefty, a collapsible baton can be used for permanent damage.
A collapsible baton gives you both leverage and power in one handy tool. Batons measure only several inches when collapsed and when opened some extend to at least are 16 to 26 inches.
A collapsible baton can give some distance between you and your attacker and it’s great for use in close-quarter spaces. However, batons must first be extended before use, which can cost you seconds in a fight. Batons are also illegal in certain states.
Combat knife
When looking for a self-defense knife, don’t get flip-up knives or small pocket knives without a handguard or fixed blades. You need a good defense knife with a large, fixed blade, like a knife with a double-edged blade.
Knives can end a fight before it even begins by intimidating your attacker, and you need just one well-placed strike to win a fight. But like a stun gun, a knife requires you to get close to your attacker.
If non-lethal or less-lethal weapons aren’t your cup of tea, you can’t go wrong with a firearm. (Related: Self-defense 101: Concealed carry tips for newbie preppers.)
When getting a gun for self-defense, there are certain rules you must follow.
For non-lethal defense, consider pepper spray or a stun gun. For a less-lethal option, get a fixed-, double-edged bladed weapon or collapsible baton.
Finally, consider training with a firearm if you need a lethal self-defense weapon. Whatever weapon you choose, learn how to use it well to avoid accidents.
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Tagged Under: Tags: concealed carry, emergency, firearms, guns, off grid, panic, Pepper Spray, personal defense, preparedness, prepper, prepping, self-defense, stun gun, survival, survivalist, urban prepping