Thursday, February 18, 2021 by Zoey Sky
Prepping is a multi-layered discipline. It involves more than just stocking up on survival supplies before SHTF or learning important skills like firestarting or hunting.
As a prepper, you also need to be mentally strong so you can protect yourself against psychological warfare. You may even need to learn how to use it on those who wish to harm you. (h/t to BackdoorSurvival.com)
Psychological warfare, or PSYWAR, refers to tactics done to deceive, manipulate or influence an opponent. These efforts also aim to cause despair, fear, hopelessness and loss of morale in opponents.
Follow the tips below to stay one step ahead of people who may try PSYWAR tactics on you when SHTF.
Avoid the honey pot
Knowing what motivates you can help an opponent win when they use PSYWAR tactics on you. One example would be the honey pot, a tactic often seen in films where a beautiful woman is used to seduce the hero.
However, the honey pot doesn’t always involve attractive people or the promise of a relationship or sexual favors. A trap like this can also involve something you want, which will be offered to you until you can’t help but put yourself in danger to acquire it.
When SHTF and someone offers you a deal that sounds too good to be true, listen to your gut. They may be planning a honey trap that could get you killed.
Make sure you don’t fall for a honey pot by stocking up on supplies that you will need in a post-SHTF world, such as:
Be patient
In a disaster scenario, you may need to barter with someone for supplies or information. Once you’ve determined that you’re dealing with someone trustworthy, be patient. This ensures that they don’t take advantage of you by overpricing or asking for too much if you’re bartering goods.
A prepper should also learn how to be self-sufficient. After all, if you can grow your own food or if you have a stockpile of supplies, you won’t need to deal with other preppers when SHTF. (Related: 11 Tips on avoiding prepper burnout.)
Protect your privacy
If other people don’t know anything about you, they can’t try PSYWAY tactics on you.
To protect your privacy, you should:
Extreme PSYWAR tactics are often used during situations like civil uprisings, war, interrogation or terrorism to dehumanize and break a person until they give up information that can be used to defeat your side.
Psychological warfare and torture exploit basic human fears. Understanding these fears and trying to conquer them can help you survive if you are captured by the enemy.
When SHTF, people will use whatever means necessary to control you or take what you have.
Learn crucial survival skills, stock up on supplies, fortify your homestead and team up with trusted family members and friends to ensure that you remain safe when disaster strikes. Don’t fall for PSYWAR tactics and always plan ahead.
Visit Mental.news for more articles with tips on how to improve your mental fortitude when SHTF.
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Tagged Under: Tags: disaster, emergency, mental health, mental preparedness, mental resilience, mental state, offgrid, preparedness, prepping, prepping mindset, PSYWAR, SHTF, stress, survival, survivalist