Wednesday, April 07, 2021 by Zoey Sky
No matter how peaceful things seem in your neighborhood, an angry mob can cause a riot any time of the day and any day of the week.
Even if you’re out running errands, what seems like a peaceful protest across the street can turn into a riot when people with different beliefs and the authorities clash. If you’re caught in a riot or civil unrest, read the tips below to ensure your safety. (h/t to TheOrganicPrepper.com)
While you can’t predict something with 100 percent accuracy, knowing what to look out for can give you a head start before riots break out in your city.
Below is a possible sequence of events that culminates with a riot.
If you get stuck in the chaos, you have to defend yourself because you’ll be on your own.
Once you understand the signs of imminent civil unrest, plan ahead.
Gather your loved ones
When SHTF, make sure everyone can get home safely if they’re at school or at work. In a worst-case scenario, your family should have a way of safely reaching a safer secondary location.
Stay away from protesting crowd
The best thing to do during civil unrest is to avoid large groups of protesters, which can quickly turn into violent rioters. If you live in a small town or remote area, it might be safer to bug in or stay at home.
But if you live in the city, you might have to choose between staying at home or heading to your bug-out location.
Don’t wait too long before deciding because you might miss your window of opportunity to leave safely before SHTF. You could be stuck in traffic or attacked by rioters as you try to leave your home. (Related: Prepper psychology: Coping mechanisms that will help you survive stressful situations.)
Staying at home means you can minimize your risk of being stuck in the middle of an angry mob or being stuck in a traffic jam amid looters. Use your common sense when deciding if you’re going to bug in or bug out.
Keep a low profile
If your neighborhood is under siege, you’ll be safer if you stay at home. Don’t leave the house unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Before disaster strikes, prep and make sure your loved ones know what to do if they’re stuck somewhere during a riot.
Stock up on supplies before SHTF
Check your stockpile regularly. Make sure you have enough food to last your whole family if you have to bug in for several days or weeks.
Review this checklist to get your preps in order.
Learn how to defend yourself and your property
If someone finds out that you’re a prepper, they might target your home to steal your supplies. You might also be attacked by rioters who just want to wreak havoc.
Regardless of why you’re being attacked, you should choose a weapon for self-defense and learn how to use it when SHTF. Keep your chosen weapon within reach so you can fight back if your family gets attacked during a riot in your area.
Practice with your gun and never neglect gun safety, especially if there are children at home.
Don’t get complacent just because you live in a quiet neighborhood. Whatever your political beliefs, when a riot starts people who are out for blood won’t care who you voted for.
Learn how to spot the signs of civil unrest and focus on how to survive when SHTF so you can protect your loved ones.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: Tags: bug in, bug out, chaos, civil unrest, Collapse, disaster, how-to, panic, preparedness, prepper, prepping, prepping tips, rioting, riots, self-defense, SHTF, survival, Survival Tips, urban warfare