Tuesday, July 06, 2021 by Zoey Sky
While things are quiet, it’s best to stock up on different survival supplies. This ensures that when SHTF, you already have what you need in your stockpile.
If you’re not sure what to get, check out the list below. (h/t to HomesteadSurvivalSite.com)
These 12 items are versatile like salt, which can be used both in the kitchen and in your garden, and liquor, which can be consumed as is or used for trading and bartering in a post-SHTF world.
Baking soda is a natural neutralizing powder with various culinary and survival uses. You can use baking soda to:
Baking soda releases carbon dioxide that helps smother flames. Pour a whole box of baking soda over a small fire in a pan to put out the flames.
When SHTF, liquor can be used to calm your nerves. Liquor doesn’t go bad and you can stockpile it for personal use or for bartering. Liquor can also be used:
Vinegar is acidic, making it the perfect ingredient for a natural cleaner that you can use around your homestead. Use vinegar mixed with a bit of water to clean up messes and disinfect items or surfaces.
You can also use vinegar to preserve food by pickling fruits and vegetables for later use. Stock up on different kinds of vinegar like white vinegar and apple cider vinegar. (Related: Prepping basics: A 10-item checklist for beginner preppers.)
Stocking up on salt is crucial, especially if you plan on bugging in and cooking food for your family. A versatile seasoning, salt without any added ingredients doesn’t expire. You can also use salt to:
Bleach isn’t just used for laundry. When SHTF, you can use bleach as a disinfectant. Bleach can also be used to sterilize water and kill germs and bacteria. Bleach may be affordable now, but in a post-SHTF world, it will be worth its weight in gold.
Duct tape is a must-have in your survival stockpile and in your bug-out bag. This handy item can be used for emergency repairs, like patching up torn or damaged gear or clothing. Use duct tape to:
To start a fire using duct tape, cut a piece into many thin strips, then ball it together to create a “bird’s nest ball” of tinder that will burn for a couple of minutes.
When SHTF, you’ll need trash bags for other survival uses aside from storing garbage. Use trash bags:
Stockpile several boxes of trash bags so you’re ready when SHTF.
Hydrogen peroxide is an emergency supply staple, especially for your first aid kit. You will need hydrogen peroxide:
Hydrogen peroxide is accessible and affordable, so stock up on several large bottles to keep your family safe when SHTF.
Dryer lint might not seem like it’s worth much, but this unusual item has some survival uses. It’s highly flammable, and a container of dryer lint is a must-have for your firestarting kit.
If you don’t have dryer lint, start collecting it after every few laundry cycles. Store the collected lint in a glass jar or container to keep it dry and safe from flames until you need it to start a fire.
Lighters or matches are the fastest way to get a fire started, but as preppers know, when SHTF, it’s better to have a plan A, plan B and plan C.
When preparing a firestarting kit, get some dryer lint, waterproof matches, a lighter and some old-fashioned flint and steel. With flint and steel, you can easily provide a spark with one quick strike.
Whether you’re bugging in or bugging out, you will need a quality multitool for various survival tasks, such as minor repairs or food prep. A multitool has many useful features like:
In a survival scenario, your multitool might just save your life. You’ll need its different features to help skin animals you’ve caught, prep food and construct or maintain a shelter so you can stay warm.
If you have one or several firearms on your property, you’ll need a lot of ammunition for hunting and self-defense. Stock up on ammunition before SHTF to ensure that you have enough.
If you have extra space, stock up on more ammo so you can trade it for other supplies in an emergency situation. Always store your firearms and ammunition in a secure safe where children and strangers can’t access them.
These off-grid supplies should be part of your survival stockpile.
Visit Preparedness.news for more articles on prepping supplies with many survival uses.
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Tagged Under: Tags: bug out, disaster, Gear, homesteading, off grid, preparedness, prepper, prepping, prepping tips, SHTF, survival, survival gear, survival stockpile, survival supplies, Survival Tips, survivalist