Thursday, January 13, 2022 by Arsenio Toledo
America’s already fragile electrical grid can be taken down easily with an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack. This strike can be dangerous, especially if people caught in its aftermath do not know what to do. The best thing you can do is to head home immediately.
An EMP attack is an intense burst of electromagnetic energy. This burst of energy sweeps out from its epicenter and destroys every single electronic device it comes across. This is what makes an EMP strike one of the single greatest threats to American civilization. One strategically placed attack can take down important defense and communications networks, banking and hospital systems and other crucial infrastructure so long as they are connected to the electrical grid.
Veteran, author and survival expert Jonathan Hollerman warned that it is very likely you will get caught in the middle of driving during an EMP attack. Many of today’s cars heavily rely on electrical equipment, which makes it significantly likely that your vehicle will get shut down by an EMP blast. If not, then your still-running vehicle will likely get boxed in by other cars that did get shut down.
After your car comes to a complete stop, Hollerman said the first thing you should do is rummage through your vehicle to take everything you need. This includes self-defense equipment like firearms and knives, some food and water and other miscellaneous items that might prove useful. If you have a bug-out bag in your car, take it and start walking in the direction of your home. (Related: Prepper must-haves: How to pack a “get me home” bag.)
Hollerman suggests that people should keep a pair of comfortable shoes in their cars for situations like this, especially if the walk home could potentially take a few hours. Nobody wants to walk home in heels, dress shoes or other uncomfortable footwear. Hollerman suggests sneakers during the summer and comfortable snow boots for the winter.
If you run across other people on your way home, Hollerman suggests not trying to avoid having brief discussions with them. During the first 24 hours after an EMP attack, people will be confused about what is going on and will want to hear news and information from anybody they come across. It is only natural to want to talk to them and to try and advise them about what they should do next after the EMP blast.
If you do have these encounters with people on your way home, make them brief. Do what you can for them if they ask for help and get out quickly. Your first objective is still getting home to your family.
During the first 24 hours after an EMP attack, it is very unlikely that society will immediately break down. This means you probably will not come across gangs of rioters or looters. But if you do notice them, the best thing you can do is to take a detour and avoid them.
Once you make it home and reunite with your family, Hollerman stresses how important it is for you and your family to pack up everything you need to survive and flee to more rural, less densely populated areas. This is especially true for people living in urban or suburban neighborhoods. The more time you spend sticking around, the more likely it is that you will get caught in the crossfire when SHTF and the rioting and looting start.
On your way out of your populated neighborhood, Hollerman recommends doing as much shopping and bartering as you need for food, water and other essential supplies like ammunition for your firearms and medicine for your family. This is especially important for people who rely on medication to survive.
“If you wait too long to acquire the drug you need for your survival, it could be a fatal mistake as most drug stores are going to be ransacked by addicts as soon as they figure out that law and order has broken down,” he said.
Watch this video from survival expert Jonathan Hollerman of The Survival Summit as he talks about the first steps people have to take immediately after an EMP goes off.
Learn more about how to survive the immediate aftermath of an EMP strike by reading the latest articles at EMP.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Brighteon, bug out, electrical grid, electromagnetic pulse, EMP, EMP attack, Jonathan Hollerman, preparedness, prepper, prepping, SHTF, survival, Survival Tips, survivalist