Tuesday, April 12, 2022 by Zoey Sky
As a prepper, navigating with a map and compass is an essential skill. And when SHTF and you can’t use the GPS in your bug-out vehicle, knowing how to navigate using a map and compass ensures that you can reach your destination even without the help of modern technology. (h/t to ModernSurvivalOnline.com)
If you’re a beginner, learn the basics so you don’t get overwhelmed when trying to use a map and compass for navigation. Remember that a map will give you a relative bearing or direction and topography of the area while a compass only gives a bearing or direction but no knowledge of the terrain and its features.
When combined, both tools are useful navigation aids. With some practice, you can become an adept navigator.
Detailed below are some tips that can help improve your navigation skills so you can avoid getting lost and get to your destination even when you don’t have access to modern technology.
Here are some things to remember when using a map:
Your compass can be used for accurate position determination.
These two types of compasses will serve you well for navigation and orienteering:
Here are some things to keep in mind when using a compass:
These basics will help you navigate after SHTF.
Your map and compass work together in a symbiotic relationship by supporting one another in confirming your position and orientation of the map to the ground, along with your physical position in relation to the ground and map.
When navigating, remember this helpful acronym: ABC, which stands for align, bearing and course.
Align your compass and map. Place the map on a flat surface, then draw a line from your position to the reference point you want to go to. Align the compass’ long edge along the line.
Rotate the bezel dial until you have boxed the magnetic needle on North. The degree at the base of the travel arrow is your bearing. This will help orientate you on the point you want to move to.
Lift your compass and orientate your body by moving it to align with the magnetic north, or true north if you have allowed for magnetic declination.
The travel arrow will show the direction you must move in, or your course.
Map cross reference
Practice on a map. Study any unique and identifiable features and learn how to identify them.
Once you decide on a destination, orientate the compass to true north using the map to identify delineation. Take a bearing to at least three features from your position.
These three bearings are your cross-reference points. Draw a line on your map from each point until they intersect or the point where they cross over each other. This is your position on the map.
Again, remember the navigation ABC:
First, accurately align yourself to the ground and fix your position on the map. This is your known starting point.
If you have to move from this point to a specific reference point or rendezvous point, take a bearing to this point with the compass so you have a visual queue where to walk.
Plot your course on your map by drawing a straight line from your fix to the reference point, irrespective of topographical features. This is your map bearing to your next point. (Related: Disaster prepping 101: Learn land navigation skills to get out of SHTF situations.)
Using the map’s symbols helps identify map features, so mark and memorize them.
Like other skills, the best way to improve is to keep practicing. Take trips on weekends to enjoy nature, explore your neighborhood and learn new things.
Navigation is a crucial survival skill and it can help you find your way when SHTF. Familiarize yourself with the basics of both a map and compass, and in time you will be able to navigate like a pro.
Be patient, especially if you are a beginner. Trust yourself and if you are unsure, take a moment. It’s better to stop instead of losing one hour because you got lost.
When you’re ready, head to your destination once again with your trusty map and compass.
Visit Survival.news for more articles with navigation tips.
Watch the video below for 10 multitool pocketknife tips that you can use when you are lost in the wilderness.
This video is from the SurvivalTV channel on Brighteon.com.
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SHTF essentials: Don’t forget to learn these 6 commonly overlooked survival skills.
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10 Survival skills everyone needs to know.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: Tags: bug out, compass, Gear, map reading, maps, navigation, off grid, preparedness, prepper, prepping, SHTF, survival, survival gear, Survival navigation, survival skills, Survival Tips
By Kevin Hughes