Posts by collapsenews:

Top UK accounting firm: No degree required for employment,
One of England’s most renowned accounting firms and one of the largest recruiters of college graduates, Ernest & Young, has announced it will be removing their policy of requiring a 2:1 and the equivalent of three B grades at A-level in order to open opportunities for talented individuals, regardless of their background. This move is one Read More

Cyber attacks: The new nuclear warhead,
Professor Sir Michael Howard, one of England’s most highly distinguished military historians, has warned that cyber attacks now pose as big of a threat to international security as nuclear weapons. Sir Howard commented that, based on the advances in individually-utilized technology and our growing interdependence on networks to run our infrastructure, “an entire country can Read More

The military-industrial complex: 201 armed conflicts started by U.S. since World War II,
People around the world have consistently named the United States as the biggest obstacle to peace, but how did we get this reputation? The answer: the military-industrial complex. Since World War II, the United States has been involved in over 248 armed conflicts around the world, 201 of which we were effectively the initiator. The U.S is responsible Read More

29% of Americans in favor of a military coup,
In a recent poll on YouGov, a popular international polling medium, 290 people out of 1000 polled domestically said they would support a military coup in the United States of America. Anyone with a pulse, if asked today, would agree that America has become incredibly divided politically. But a coup? Now, this is an interesting Read More

Billionaire Carl Icahn warns of coming economic collapse,
Carl Icahn, a billionaire activist investor says low rates have caused bubbles in art, real estate and high-yield bonds, all in his opinion holding potentially dramatic consequences. Commenting further on the grim state of affairs in the economy, he mentioned that he’s more hedged now than he’s been in years, that the Fed may have Read More

Nearly 100 million unemployed – what does this symptom say about the health of the U.S. economy?,
The Atlanta Federal Reserve has an interesting explanation for why America has reached a 40-year record-low rate for domestic labor participation, with 94.6 million people currently unemployed. In their own words, they pointedly remarked, “Generally speaking, people in the 25–54 age group are the most likely to participate in the labor market. These so-called prime-age Read More

Collapse Around the World: The top 10 world economies and their detailed plunge,
The following is a summary from a detailed analysis by Michael Synder, of The Economic Collapse Blog, cataloging the shocking news of stock market wealth from the world’s most prominent economics, being literally wiped out in the past several weeks: #1 The United States – The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down more than 2000 Read More

European Union chief warns of collapse under immigration crisis,
The president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, has warned that the European Union may literally be at risk of falling apart at the seams from the unprecedented influx of immigrants flooding into Europe’s borders. The very similar warning, that Europe has absolutely lost control of their borders, was also touted by a senior Brussels diplomat. Read More

Tragedy at Mecca: 717 die, 805 wounded after human stampede in Saudi Arabia,
Following the crane collapse into the Grand Mosque of Mecca earlier this month, a deadly stampede has now claimed 717 lives and left 805 wounded, in what is now becoming the bloodiest Hajj in known history. Every year, millions of Muslims converge on the holy capital of Mecca, in the heart of Saudi Arabia, to Read More

Game of Loans: Interest is coming; 2/3 of U.S. graduates say college is a ripoff,
In a recent poll, two-thirds of recent U.S. college graduates said they would consider higher education in the United States to be a ripoff. In the “Game of Loans” also know as the student debt bubble, a balloon of trillions of dollars, directly backed by the American taxpayer, is at serious risk of never being Read More