You can’t possibly be a good prepper if you don’t take time to think about all of the challenges that …
To more inexperienced preppers, creating a bugout bag might seem easy – just find a bunch of survival stuff, throw …
Ideally, you’ll never have to use an emergency radio because you’ll never find yourself in a situation that calls for …
Have you ever learned how to build a fire or tie a bowline? What about how to send an emergency …
In a SHTF scenario, knowing efficient escape and evasion techniques can quite literally mean the difference between life and death. …
Many people don’t realize the mental capacity needed to make it through a SHTF situation. It’s one thing to be …
Creating a bugout bag requires a lot more thought and effort than simply going to a sporting goods store, buying …
Picture this: Society just completely collapsed three days ago after some kind of nationwide crisis. You, like most others, rush …
In the days and weeks following a large-scale SHTF event, supermarkets and department stores will be among the first buildings …
In addition to stocking up on food and making sure that you have the means to defend yourself and your …