Posts by Jonathan Benson:

NWO plan in action? George Soros is trying to convince the public that Russia is bigger threat than ISIS,
Anyone who’s done his homework on the matter knows that the so-called “Islamic State” is, at best, the fallout of failed Western policies abroad, and at worst, an intentional creation of the West or Persian Gulf states to fuel further destabilization efforts throughout Europe and the Middle East. And from the looks of it, the Read More

Patriotic journalists concerned that UN troops will be used to seize guns from Americans when Obama gives the order,
The political left has been pretty busy lately viciously attacking defenders of the Second Amendment, accusing us of being rabid gun-clingers and conspiracy theorists for believing that it’s our fundamental right as Americans to be able to defend ourselves against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. But the following video is a perfect of example Read More

Nearly two-thirds of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings, as leftist policies bankrupt nation,
The United States is on the verge of total economic collapse, and a new Google Consumer Survey suggests that the average American is anything but prepared to handle even a small delay in cash-flow, let alone the coming financial crisis. Formerly a nation of savers, America has unraveled into a nation of debtors, the vast Read More

Mein Kampf to be reprinted in Germany as desperate citizens become increasingly nationalistic amid invasion of Middle Eastern migrants,
After 70 years of publishing prohibition, one of the most controversial books of all time is finally back in print. The re-release of Mein Kampf, an autobiography of Adolf Hitler, isn’t being received well by everyone, of course, but the timing couldn’t be more apropos considering the turmoil of Europe’s ongoing migrant invasion. On the Read More