Posts by newstarget:

Obama criticizes China for violating rights with new counterterrorism laws modeled after the Patriot Act,
(NaturalNews) Sometimes President Barack Obama can’t get out of the way of his own hypocrisy. In December, the Chinese government implemented a “controversial” new counterterrorism law that some see as a means of tightening Beijing’s already tight control over the media and threaten intellectual property of foreign technology companies. As reported by Agence-France Presse: The Read More

Future generations will never get why we allowed these 5 crimes to happen,
Picture yourself still alive in the future. Perhaps after the new world order is fully operational (2030 or beyond). By then perhaps it’s too late. Humanity had become enslaved forever. Imagine a large percentage of humanity is now dead and gone. Billions succumbed to various diseases all linked to toxins and diseases that you now Read More

Belgium To Distribute Iodine Pills To Entire Population In Case of Nuclear Disaster,
(Be prepared and get your emergency Iodine from the Natural News Store by clicking here, while supplies last) Belgium will start distributing iodine pills to all of its citizens in case of a possible nuclear disaster. (Article by Jhesset E, republished from Iodine pills have been used in the past to help reduce the Read More

Why is the US government suppressing this herbal breakthrough that can protect your liver from alcohol damage?,
(NaturalNews) I’ve just posted a new video on Youtube, revealing how the US government is actively suppressing a licorice root-based herbal breakthrough that can protect you from liver damage. The herb gives your liver a powerful, molecular “self-defense” capability against alcohol and Tylenol damage, protecting your liver from damage. But the government is actively trying Read More

Czech president now confirms what alternative media has been reporting for months: EU refugee wave is ‘organized invasion’,
Slowly, but surely, leaders of liberal Europe are coming to terms with the massive wave of humanity flowing into the continent from the war-torn Middle East – namely, that those seeking shelter are bringing with them a culture that is far different from and, in many cases, even hostile to Western mores. One of the Read More

Hillary Clinton stages false flag attack on the DNS to blame Bernie Sanders,
To read more about Hillary Clinton News, please go to for all the latest updates (NaturalNews) The Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign appear to be teaming up to checkmate the campaign of presidential rival Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, even to the point of employing dirty tricks and chicanery in order to Read More

People demanding P.C. speech limits on ISIS are a greater threat to America than ISIS itself,
(NaturalNews) Freedom of speech is one of our most precious rights as Americans, but what must be understood is that in protecting the spirit of the First Amendment we must also allow the free expression of what some would consider as being “dangerous” or “hateful” ideas. Since the 9/11 attacks, and now through invoking the Read More

NYT publishes blatantly racist op-ed from hard left black professor: ‘All white people are racist’ by definition, he ridiculously claims,
(NaturalNews) Another day, another hard Left black academic proclaiming that all whites are racist (and, by default, no person of color can be). And, of course, leave it to The New York Times to provide a platform for the blatant, overt, anti-white racism. As noted by The Daily Caller‘s associate editor, Scott Greer, the latest Read More

What happens when civil unrest comes to your town,
(NaturalNews) Civil Unrest Riots and Demonstrations Have Always Been with Us and Always Will Be Protests, peaceful protests, have been used successfully in the past in this country to enact change usually change within the government. The United States was essentially formed out of protests and uprisings by the common people that felt, and then Read More

US Army ad depicts soldiers training for martial law crowd control,
(NaturalNews) In recent years, there has been a lot of speculation over whether or not the American government is preparing to eventually declare martial law( in a bid to gain complete authoritarian control over the populace. Imagine if there were an excuse to do so – let’s say in the next few months – before Read More