Traditional Chinese healers call this weed “Pu Huang” and prescribe it to patients who have bleeding problems. This can range …
Nothing says “survival” quite like the pokeweed. The shockingly beautiful plant, with its deep purple berries, is a favorite among …
Most of us don’t consider snakes in our survival preparations. We talk about the uses of herbs in medicine and …
Fire: The stolen gift of the gods given to humanity by the titan, Prometheus, that damned him to an eternity of …
You need fuel during emergency situations. Most people tend to forget that. We are always told to stockpile food and …
There’s a knee-jerk reaction whenever someone mentions the word “sugar.” The immediate response is one of concern and fear – …
Gone are the days when you could drink water out of anywhere. Most of the lakes, ponds, and streams around …
We are standing on the precipice of chaos. Our society seems to be slowly unraveling — and to what end, …
We have the right to defend our families from harm – this is the reason why the founders of the …
We Americans sure love our cheese, but we don’t really know much about it. Does it really matter, you ask? …