What the Obama admin doesn’t want you to know about the conveniently named ‘Equitable Sharing Program’ will absolutely disturb you
The Justice Department declared recently that it will continue a controversial law enforcement practice known as the Equitable Sharing Program, which allows police officers to seize cash and property from people who are neither convicted nor charged for a crime. Last December, the Department of Justice announced that it was indefinitely suspending its equitable sharing Read More

Free Pete Santilli, an independent media journalist jailed by the Obama regime! (Audio)
Pete Santilli is a political prisoner of the Obama regime, a totalitarian system of oppression that now CRIMINALIZES speech that’s critical of the federal government. Pete Santilli was arrested by the FBI in Oregon because of his independent journalism reporting on the BLM land grab from ranchers. The FBI didn’t like what Pete said, so Read More

ACLU appeals judge’s refusal to release documents pertaining to CIA’s covert drone/assassination program
There’s essentially only two ways to truly know what the federal government is up to, and that’s through the mouth of whistleblowers, such as Edward Snowden, who bravely exposed the National Security Agency’s (NSA) mass surveillance of the American people, and secondly, the Freedom of Information Request Act (FOIA), which allows the public to access Read More