ACLU appeals judge’s refusal to release documents pertaining to CIA’s covert drone/assassination program
There’s essentially only two ways to truly know what the federal government is up to, and that’s through the mouth of whistleblowers, such as Edward Snowden, who bravely exposed the National Security Agency’s (NSA) mass surveillance of the American people, and secondly, the Freedom of Information Request Act (FOIA), which allows the public to access Read More

How Iran and Russia conspired to start World War III
(NationalSecurity.news) Russia and Iran’s entry into the Syrian civil war was no spur-of-the-moment decision but rather the result of months of careful planning as a means of rescuing a faltering President Bashar al-Assad, while preserving at all costs the lone port that Moscow has in the Mediterranean. At a meeting in the Russian capital in Read More

US military violates laws of war by airstriking Doctors Without Borders hospital
Despite being informed of its exact location on numerous occasions over the past several months, the U.S. military launched airstrikes against a hospital run by Doctors Without Borders in Kunduz, Afghanistan, bombing it for at least an hour, killing 22 patients and medical staff including three children, according to The Intercept, which is providing updates Read More