
Bee-keeping survivalist gets candid about prepping: ‘Most people would be dead between 30 and 90 days’

( Jake Cassar lives in Australia and has been preparing for the end of the world since he was a teen. He takes disaffected youth to the bush and shows them edible wild plants, encourages the intake of clean food and the medicinal use of native crops and more. ABC news describes what Jake Cassar told the wide-eyed teens at a recent wilderness outing: ” Read More


If You Don’t Warn The People, Their Blood Could Be On Your Hands

Why are so few voices warning the people about what is coming?  We stand at the door of a period of distress that will be unlike anything that any of us have ever known before.  And even though the signs are all around us, very few individuals appear to be willing to stand up and Read More


Conducting intelligence operations in a post-collapse world

( In a collapsed society there will be so many threats around you it really isn’t possible to list them all. Your particular threat scenario will depend on your specific environment – geographic, regional, urban vs. rural, number of survivors, available resources, etc. The simply are too many variables to name, and because of that, you’ll Read More


If the apocalypse strikes, understand this: No U.S. city can feed itself

( In times of peace and relative tranquility, when the civil society is still functioning at something close to normal, American cities can still be dangerous, as evidenced by higher-than-normal crime and murder rates that are actually rising in many localities. What’s more, the hustle and bustle of trying to earn a living, manage home Read More