U.S. military being taken over by political correctness, destroying combat readiness
In a recent video posted on his Facebook page, former Army drill sergeant and combat veteran John Burk detailed some of the reasons why he decided to get out of the military a few months back (Caution: Strong language). “First and foremost… I don’t hate the military, I don’t hate the Army, but I hate Read More

Pentagon: China is restructuring its military for war as it boosts troop levels near Indian border
(NationalSecurity.news) The Chinese military is undergoing a major restructuring to prepare it for future conflict, the Pentagon told Congress in its latest annual assessment of the People’s Liberation Army, including taking a more aggressive posture towards its large and powerful neighbors. As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, the Pentagon said in its 145-page report Read More

Army’s electronic warfare chief tells Congress that personnel should be training in contested cyber spaces
Image: U.S. Army (Cyberwar.news) The military services’ electronic warfare division chiefs have briefed congressional staffers about emerging global threats from countries that have developed advanced capabilities in the electronic battlespace, as well as what each service is doing to exert and maintain control of the entire electromagnetic spectrum [EMS]. The Pentagon noted in a news Read More

Service branch chiefs in open warfare with Def Sec Carter over military spending priorities
Image credit: Department of Defense (NationalSecurity.news) It’s not supposed to be this way, but a number of service chiefs and some members of Congress are having unusually public spats with Defense Secretary Ashton Carter over budgeting and spending priorities regarding current and future weapons systems. As reported by Politico, the issues largely revolve around what Read More