Under AG Loretta Lynch, the federal government allows police to unconstitutionally confiscate your possessions… Even if you HAVEN’T been arrested or charged
We live in a burgeoning police state where trained mercenaries with flashing lights can pull you off the side of any highway, ask you how much money you have in your vehicle, take it from you, and not charge you with a crime. Robbery and extortion now has a quaint fuzzy name – “The Equitable Sharing Program.” Of course what they Read More

What the Obama admin doesn’t want you to know about the conveniently named ‘Equitable Sharing Program’ will absolutely disturb you
The Justice Department declared recently that it will continue a controversial law enforcement practice known as the Equitable Sharing Program, which allows police officers to seize cash and property from people who are neither convicted nor charged for a crime. Last December, the Department of Justice announced that it was indefinitely suspending its equitable sharing Read More