What is the Shemitah? And why is everybody so worried about September events? Part 1: The three signs
The Hebrew word Shemitah (or shmita in the orthodox spelling) suddenly entered pop culture in 2014, thanks to the bestselling book The Mystery of the Shemitah, by the Messianic Jewish Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. The definition of shemitah/shmita is explained in The New York Times: “Even in Israel, shmita, pronounced shmee-TA, is an arcane subject. According Read More

God to engulf the world in fire TODAY
The end of the world is upon us. Not in the near future, but today, October 7, 2015. That is at least according to the insights of Chris McCann, the founder of the fringe Christian group eBible Fellowship. McCann states that God will obliterate the world today, most likely with fire. So make sure to Read More