Washington Post finally confirms what once was considered ‘conspiracy’ talk: Public buses are covertly recording private conversations
Since 2012, the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) has been recording passenger’s private conversations. The buses were retrofitted in 2012, without the knowledge or approval of the legislature: “Nearly 500 of its fleet of 750 buses now have audio recording capabilities. Officials say the devices can capture important information in cases of driver error or an attack or altercation Read More

So-called “Email Privacy Act” actually a Big Brother Orwellian email spy bill that requires corporations to violate your privacy in the name of “security”
The Fourth Amendment is under attack in an age of electronic surveillance and expanding government. The Email Privacy Act, H.R. 699, and its Senate companion bill S. 356, is marching toward bipartisan agreement in Congress. The legislation would give government agencies access to your email, text messages and documents without a warrant from storage systems Read More