Hillary Clinton’s presidency has already been BOUGHT by Big Pharma and Wall Street… see the list of bribes she’s already accepted!
(Clinton.news) In case you didn’t know, Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton is well-connected – to industries and corporations, to banks and financial institutions, to foreign governments and foreign interests… to just about everyone who isn’t aligned with, or tuned to, the common folk she claims to represent. But don’t take my word for it. The data Read More

Big Pharma set to start microchipping drugs
Wait, what? Yes, it’s true; the age of the pharmaceutical microchip has arrived. Novartis AG, one of the world’s biggest of the Big Pharmas, said in 2010 that it planned to begin embedding microchips in its medications as a means of creating “smart pills.” The technology was licensed from Proteus Biomedical of Redwood City, Calif., Read More

Study finds unusually high rate of inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions in U.S.
Antibiotic resistance is a growing global concern for all of us. If even the simplest of infections cannot be defeated by antibiotics, it could result in suffering and death. Even minimal infections have that potential. Knowing this about the deepening concern of resistance, wouldn’t physicians that prescribe those ten day rounds of antibiotics be extra cautious? Maybe not, as reported by EurekAlert.com: “An estimated Read More

Supplements sold by Walmart, Walgreens and other retailers don’t match the ingredients on their labels
The New York State Attorney General announced early last year that testing showed that supplements sold at Walmart, Walgreens, Target and GNC do not actually contain the herbs they claim to contain on their label. Cheap fillers, such as powdered rice, asparagus, house plants and even some substances that could be fatal to those with allergies, were found Read More

Price of cancer medications increased by 600 percent over the last decade while the quality of drugs stays more or less the same
(Signup now for FREE to attend the online Natural Cancer Prevention Summit, beginning May 16th). The use of oral cancer drugs has increased over the last decade and a half, as have their price tags. Despite the supposed advancements in “treating” cancer, the cancer industry is projected to grow – not shrink. This is especially Read More

Cancer industry set to profit off new Medicare proposition that gives financial incentive for doctor’s to recommend the most expensive prescription brands
You know that cancer is a multi billion dollar industry. Since President Nixon’s decision to create the war on cancer back in 1971, it’s only increased. That’s what happens when the government needs an excuse to create that which they declare they are against. Remember the “war” on poverty, drugs and our current 24/7 charade, the one Read More

Unconscionable Merck operative tried to bury scientific study revealing harm caused by Gardasil
What is the scientific method? Here is how the Free Dictionary defines the process: “The principles and empirical processes of discovery and demonstration considered characteristic of or necessary for scientific investigation, generally involving the observation of phenomena, the formulation of a hypothesis concerning the phenomena, experimentation to demonstrate the truth or falseness of the hypothesis, and a Read More

We will never fix health care until we take the profit out of disease (Video)
You know why health care is so damn expensive and doesn’t work? Because there’s PROFIT in keeping people sick and selling them prescription pills that don’t prevent disease! In this video, I explain why we will NEVER fix the health care system unless and until we take the profit out of disease. Read my book Read More

Pharma companies use TPP to extend their monopolies (Video)
Brand-name prescription drug prices have doubled in the last five years, according to a new report. Now some public health groups and organizations say things could get worse, if the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal delays the introduction of generic drugs. RT America’s Ed Schultz speaks with Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, about Read More

Hillary Clinton’s choices for campaign’s strategists spotlights her ties to Big Pharma
To read more about Hillary Clinton News, please go to Clinton.news for all the latest updates Not that it will matter one bit to her supporters, but Democratic presidential front runner Hillary Clinton doesn’t have a modicum of integrity, despite her claims to the contrary. Unbeknownst to her supporters or, perhaps more accurately intentionally disregarded Read More