The most disturbing experiments conducted by the U.S. Government on non-consenting Civilians
You may have heard TalkNetwork.com co-founder Mike Adams, a.k.a, the Health Ranger, recently interview former pro wrestler, Hollywood star and Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura having a discussion about real-life conspiracies (Ventura has done a number of TV programs investigating those conspiracies, in fact, and has written a book, American Conspiracies). Many people, of course, discount Read More

Over 20 soldiers dead, more than 200 hospitalized after U.S. lab leaks ‘new and deadly virus’ in Ukraine
If you haven’t heard – and judging by the lack of coverage of this by the legacy media, you haven’t – a U.S. lab is being blamed for what would amount to an atrocity if it were committed on American soil. As noted by Zero Hedge and reported by Ukrainian media, scores of soldiers were Read More