Extortion now being used to further the censorship of the documentary, Vaxxed, across the U.S.
Bribery and extortion are well worn themes used to stamp out truth. The Pharisees paid Judas Iscariot a mere thirty pieces of silver. The love of money is the root of all evil and our Big Pharma vaccine industry does whatever it can to protect its billions of death induced vials. In the case of the documentary Read More

Another Monsanto shill EXPOSED: University of Illinois professor caught in dirty financial scheme
Monsanto’s history of spreading chemical death has been well documented. Following the Viet Nam war, their portfolio was so toxic, they divested themselves of Agent Orange, DDT and PCBs. What remained was their best seller, the ubiquitous glyphosate-based Round Up herbicide. With White House support, a squashing of scientific opposition and billions invested over two decades, they Read More