Pasteurized milk linked to testicular, prostate and breast cancer
You better think twice about grabbing that carton of pasteurized milk during your next grocery trip. A study recently conducted by Harvard University showed that pasteurized milk products from factory farms may cause hormone-dependent cancers. Apparently, the concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) model of raising cows on factory farms churns out milk with dangerously high levels of estrone Read More

Price of cancer medications increased by 600 percent over the last decade while the quality of drugs stays more or less the same
(Signup now for FREE to attend the online Natural Cancer Prevention Summit, beginning May 16th). The use of oral cancer drugs has increased over the last decade and a half, as have their price tags. Despite the supposed advancements in “treating” cancer, the cancer industry is projected to grow – not shrink. This is especially Read More

Cancer industry set to profit off new Medicare proposition that gives financial incentive for doctor’s to recommend the most expensive prescription brands
You know that cancer is a multi billion dollar industry. Since President Nixon’s decision to create the war on cancer back in 1971, it’s only increased. That’s what happens when the government needs an excuse to create that which they declare they are against. Remember the “war” on poverty, drugs and our current 24/7 charade, the one Read More

The EPA just approved a pesticide that challenges birds, plants, amphibians and mammals… even after admitting the risks
The chemical train of death and destruction just got another engine. Why should we be surprised? The folks at the EPA don’t give two hoots about the soil or your children’s insides. They are more concerned with keeping their job as revolving door bureaucrats and doing the bidding of their masters. I wonder when they will Read More

Detroit’s corrupt healthcare system exposed: Crittenton oncology nurse goes berserk when probed about cancer fraudster Dr. Farid Fata
Michigan’s Detroit-area healthcare system is entangled in a web of corruption, industry collusion, medical malpractice, and under-the-table ownership exchanges that allow it to be absolved from accountability. Home to cancer fraudster Dr. Farid Fata, who was sentenced to 45 years in prison for an extensive list of unspeakable crimes, Michigan currently has three major hospitals Read More

Not safe to eat: Rats fed lifetime of GMO corn grow horrifying tumors, die very early
Learn how you can transform your health through clean eating by signing up for the FOOD REVOLUTION summit for free here! Genetically modified (GM) corn is rat poison. That is at least what the results of a controversial study linking GM feed with cancerous tumor growths in rats would seem to suggest. During a two-year Read More

Worth the cancer? Fracking dumps 15 billion gallons of toxic wastewater into the ground each year
The U.S. fracking revolution has created an economic boom in terms of natural gas prices. Nevertheless, the process contaminates a staggering 15 billion gallons worth of wastewaster with cancer causing chemicals each year, thereby calling into question whether the economic benefits of fracking outweigh the risks. Concerns about the adverse effects of fracking are on Read More

Poisoned: 99.6% of Germans have glyphosate residues in urine
Glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, has increasingly been subjected to scrutiny after the World Health Organization concluded last spring that it is “probably carcinogenic.” Researchers and health food advocates’ fears have been confirmed as studies continue to uncover the impacts of glyphosate accumulation in the environment, our food supply, and humans. As a Read More

MRI research reveals cancer loves sugar
In the future, cancer detection may well rely on measuring which cells feed off sugar the most, according to research from the University College London (UCL). This further confirms the danger that sugar poses as a cancer-promoting agent. In a study published in Nature Medicine, scientists experimented with a novel form of magnetic resonance imaging Read More

Chemotherapy will kill you before cancer even could
Let me tell you an interesting (and disturbing) statistic: When worse comes to worst, three in four physicians would readily refuse chemotherapy for themselves. Why? Because chemotherapy will kill you before cancer even could. It wipes out your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to ordinary viruses and bacteria that normally would not even cause an Read More