Bee-keeping survivalist gets candid about prepping: ‘Most people would be dead between 30 and 90 days’
Jake Cassar lives in Australia and has been preparing for the end of the world since he was a teen. He takes disaffected youth to the bush and shows them edible wild plants, encourages the intake of clean food and the medicinal use of native crops and more. ABC news describes what Jake Cassar told the wide-eyed teens at a recent wilderness Read More

Non-preppers actually do have an accidental food supply they never considered: EACH OTHER
No one can accurately predict the future, nor has anyone done so – not Nostradamus, not soothsayers through the ages, not fortune-tellers. Not even the Bible provides an up-to-the-moment prediction about when Jesus will return, only that He will come like “a thief in the night.” Understanding and accepting that premise – that we cannot Read More

Human jerky, the new survival food for anti-preppers coming soon to a major city near you
Those who refuse to prepare for the coming collapse are going to have to formulate an entirely different plan, one that includes learning how to loot essential items from stores, breaking and entering into pharmacies to steal medicine and practicing unintentional fasting, a.k.a. starvation. Due to their refusal to prepare in any way, including failure Read More