Poison from above? Aerial spraying of mosquito-fighting pesticides has been shown to increase the risks of autism
Children residing in a region of New York State that uses aerial pesticides to maintain mosquitoes have an increased risk for autism in comparison to children living outside the area, according to a new study. In the recent study, presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies 2016 meeting, the researchers reviewed autism rates and developmental delays Read More

CDC officials convened to destroy evidence relating vaccines to autism
Given the government’s less than impressive track record when it comes to transparency and accountability, it’s really no surprise to learn that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has deliberately destroyed evidence linking vaccines to autism. While politically desensitized citizens might simply ignore such a revelation, the rest of us, whose families, friends and children Read More

Zika/STD epidemic: Hook-up apps like Tinder could exacerbate spread of viruses linked to birth defects!
Smart Phone apps like Tinder are making it easier for people to hookup and have sex. By the same token, they’ve also made it easier to spread sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Now, the World Health Organization (WHO) claims that the Zika virus may spread through sexual contact, which could be exacerbated by dating apps. In Read More

CDC refuses to surrender incriminating documents linking MMR vaccines to autism
Everyone (or, at least, everyone not blinded by the government’s propaganda) probably knows the scandal by now: Despite the fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) own research discovered that MMR vaccines caused autism among African American children, the agency chose to bury the evidence to hide it from public scrutiny. This Read More

Ebola back in Britain: nurse experiences another relapse of the disease she supposedly ‘got rid of’ TWO YEARS ago
Ebola is the deadly virus that just keeps on giving, so to speak, and a nurse in Great Britain who thought she was free of the disease two years ago has just found out she’s still got it. As reported by the UK-based Independent, Pauline Cafferkey was recently re-admitted to a British hospital – for Read More

We Will See The Spread Of Tyrannical Governments
CDC raises the alert level to 1. NSA will merge offensive and defensive cyber attacks. France just included the state of emergency in its constitution. Government is completely controlling the people. North Korea’s satellite is now in orbit. France using Russian footage of bombings in Syria, the US did the same. Kerry is pushing for Read More