Former Facebook employees admit to the routine censorship of news stories; artificial injection of government propaganda into trending news list
Some former “news curators” for social media giant Facebook admitted recently what many in the alternative media have thought for quite some time: That the company skews its news coverage to favor certain Left-wing political positions. In an interview with Gizmodo, one of the curators – who remained anonymous – said that they routinely suppressed Read More

Extortion now being used to further the censorship of the documentary, Vaxxed, across the U.S.
Bribery and extortion are well worn themes used to stamp out truth. The Pharisees paid Judas Iscariot a mere thirty pieces of silver. The love of money is the root of all evil and our Big Pharma vaccine industry does whatever it can to protect its billions of death induced vials. In the case of the documentary Read More

EPA, USDA, FDA – the triad of anti-science to poison humanity and the environment (Audio)
Think the EPA, FDA and USDA are “scientific” organizations? Think again: They’re actually front groups for ANTI-science corporate agendas. This triad of government regulators is now actively engaged in the ongoing censorship, suppression and falsification of scientific data in order to push toxic chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals) for profit. The result is the mass poisoning Read More

Obama’s Speech Gestapo Democrats attempt to criminalize criticism of Muslims, while encouraging persecution of Christians, conservatives, gun owners and libertarians
The GOP bills itself as the party of small government (well, okay, it used to). Libertarians like to think of themselves as belonging to the party of the Constitution. The Democrat Party seriously ought to rename itself the party of the anti-American totalitarian, as a recent piece of Democrat legislation once again demonstrates. As reported Read More

Russia tries to unplug from World Wide Web
It’s been reported that Russia recently conducted a large-scale experiment to test if the country could disconnect from the global internet. Andrei Semerikov, general director of a Russian service provider, claims that communication hubs were told to cut off communication with foreign channels. Russia reportedly tried to conduct a similar experiment back in 2014, but Read More