Independent thinkers beware: covert federal agents have been assigned to silence dissendents, debate politics over the internet
Disinformation, propaganda and making the truth sound like a lie or the lie sound like the truth is not a new trend. It’s as old as the Garden of Eden when Hawah – or as others may know as Eve – was told, “You will not die, you’ll be like a god, knowing good and evil.” This was a face Read More

The most disturbing experiments conducted by the U.S. Government on non-consenting Civilians
You may have heard TalkNetwork.com co-founder Mike Adams, a.k.a, the Health Ranger, recently interview former pro wrestler, Hollywood star and Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura having a discussion about real-life conspiracies (Ventura has done a number of TV programs investigating those conspiracies, in fact, and has written a book, American Conspiracies). Many people, of course, discount Read More

CIA funds skin care company to develop products that harvest skin DNA for government surveillance
Most people understand that the government’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies, generally speaking, have the nation’s security interests at heart, but some of the technology being developed to identify and track suspects is downright Orwellian. For instance, would you have ever imagined, in your wildest dreams, that the CIA could be funding cosmetics that enable Read More

Former DEA agent reveals how U.S. government runs cocaine into the country
According to a 25-year veteran of the DEA and author of the book, Triangle of Death, Michael Levine, the CIA played a pivotal role in enabling the trafficking of illegal drugs, especially cocaine, into the U.S. from Latin America. While serving as an undercover DEA agent, Levine claims the CIA was aware of drugs being Read More

CIA director says his biggest fear is a massive cyberattack on critical U.S. infrastructure
(Cyberwar.news) With little doubt there are a number of things that keep CIA Director John Brennan awake at night, and the growing cyber threat to the United States and the world is high on that list. In a recent interview on the CBS News program “60 Minutes,” Brennan said preventing terrorist attacks has also been Read More

ISIS has made – and has used – chemical weapons: CIA
(NationalSecurity.news) The director of the Central Intelligence Agency has said that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria [ISIS] has manufactured and even used chemical weapons against enemies. In an interview with CBS News’ “60 Minutes” program, CIA Director John Brennan said that ISIS fighters have the capability to manufacture small quantities of chlorine and Read More

ACLU appeals judge’s refusal to release documents pertaining to CIA’s covert drone/assassination program
There’s essentially only two ways to truly know what the federal government is up to, and that’s through the mouth of whistleblowers, such as Edward Snowden, who bravely exposed the National Security Agency’s (NSA) mass surveillance of the American people, and secondly, the Freedom of Information Request Act (FOIA), which allows the public to access Read More