Al Qaeda may be sick enough to target U.S. business elites, but it’s the Obama administration we should be more worried about
(Bugout.news) In case you missed it, al Qaeda’s online magazine published what essentially amounted to a threat to major U.S. businesspersons recently. As reported by the Washington Times, the magazine, called “Inspire,” called on jihadists in the U.S. (!) to harm our economy by killing business leaders and entrepreneurs in their homes. Articles in the Read More

NRA field editor: Obama has ‘divided us on course for a civil war’
(Bugout.news) Anyone who has studied Barack Obama’s history and his past associations knows who had the most influence on his life: Perennial revolutionary Leftists Bill Ayers and Saul Alinski, both of whom preached and taught hate, intolerance and violence against traditional values and American exceptionalism. To these commies, Karl Marx was a god and Vladimir Lenin a model Read More

If war comes to America, say goodbye to your constitutional rights
(Bugout.news) President James Buchanan (1857-1861) and his predecessor, Abraham Lincoln, both shared the view that no state had a right to secede from the Union. Buchanan, however, believed that if a state did secede, the central government possessed no power to force it to remain in the union.[1] The Constitution was unclear on this issue, Read More