
There are no FEMA camps, but there are ‘blacklists’ targeting outspoken liberty advocates, says James Wesley, Rawles

For years, members of the American patriot community have suspected that the government was building or maintaining so-called “FEMA camps” – institutions manned by the Federal Emergency Management Agency – to hold scores of government opponents and dissenters as part of a government crackdown on constitutionalists. But, according to former intelligence community member James Wesley, Read More


U.S. currency in slow collapse as Chinese yuan quietly replaces the petrodollar

Is the end of the U.S. dollar, bolstered largely by the petroleum industry, ebbing? A number of economists and other financial observers and experts agree, and they think that the Chinese yuan is poised to replace the dollar, like the dollar replaced the British Pound Sterling in the last century. As noted by Zero Hedge, Read More


Puerto Rico in the midst of an economic collapse, admits U.S. Treasury official

The pipe dream days of easy money and endless credit are coming to an end in the United States, and the first place that is becoming evident is in a U.S. territory, Puerto Rico. The Caribbean nation has been in economic dire straights for some time, but U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew recently announced in Read More


Google, Facebook and Twitter all conspire to censor critics of European migrants who sexually assaulted women

The Left-wing extremist governments of Europe continue to put refugees and migrants from war-torn, economically depressed regions of the world ahead of their own citizens, who are being required to foot the bill to care for the new arrivals, even to the point of suppressing their individual rights. As noted recently by Breitbart News, it’s Read More


Eastern Germans threaten civil war with increasingly totalitarian central government, as migrant invasion threatens national sovereignty

Germany is edging closer to anarchy as citizens grow increasingly frustrated with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to welcome one million refugees into the country. Germans are becoming more and more concerned that their country’s so-called democracy is inching closer towards a totalitarian state, Alternative for Germany party member Hansjoerg Mueller told Russia Today in a Read More


Democrats threaten to shut down food stamps program to maintain funding for genocidal abortion agenda

Civil uprising caused by the permanent, or even temporary, suspension of government-issued food stamps, also known as Electronic Benefits Transfers (EBTs), is considered to be one of the greatest threats to today’s society. Attempting to remove the stigma associated with food stamps, the federal government began issuing EBT cards in the late 1990s and early Read More

news brief

Current Economic Collapse News Brief (Video)

In this news brief we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. We look to see if things are really that different. The central bank will not stop at just confiscating your wealth they will want your life. They want to enslave the people.


Venezuelan mobs take law into their own hands, beating and lynching thieves

Venezuelans in once middle-class neighborhoods have turned to vigilante justice, punishing thieves caught stealing with brutal violence, and in some cases even death. The turmoil continues in the socialist country amidst currency controls and plummeting oil prices, resulting in a collapsed economy in which citizens are deprived of food and other essential items. Overworked security Read More


Russia and NATO now “actively preparing for war” as global tensions escalates to Cold War levels

Tensions between NATO and Russia are at their highest since the end of the Cold War. A clash of military war games caused a number of close encounters between the two powers. Many fear that the war games have the two forces teetering on the brink of war. NATO and Russia started preparing their military Read More