Will the Hypocritical EPA ever be held responsible for turning the Animas River yellow with Arsenic, Lead, and Mercury
Do you remember images of a sickeningly yellow Animas River in Colorado, toxic residue clumsily spilled from the Gold King Mine? If not, don’t blame yourself. It’s not like the incident gets much ink or video these days. But as noted by Heritage Foundation founder Ed Feulner in the Washington Times, the spill was pretty Read More

Colorado set to launch massively expensive ‘water conservation’ project before anyone knows how to pay for it
(BigGovernment.news) The Left-wing Democrats running Colorado are set to implement a water conservation scheme though they admit they have no idea where the $20 billion will come from to pay for it – though we have an idea where. As reported by E & E Publishing, the state’s first-ever comprehensive water plan was approved in Read More