
Lawmaker says classified details of Iran’s capture and treatment of U.S. Navy sailors will truly shock the nation

( A member of the House Armed Services Committee says that when the American people find out how U.S. Navy sailors captured and briefly detained by Iranian naval forces last year were treated, they will be shocked and upset. In an interview with the Washington Free Beacon, Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., said that the details Read More


Lawmakers pushing for new authorization to fight ISIS while threatening to cut off funding if they don’t get one

( A bipartisan group of House members is renewing its push for a full debate, and an immediate vote, on authorizing military action against the Islamic State group, with some promising to add amendments to the new defense spending bill that would cut off funds to fight the terror group without congressional authorization. The Obama administration Read More


Bill condemning Iran and threatening sanctions over seizure of two U.S. Navy crews proposed

( Questioning the seriousness of the Obama administration’s response to Iran’s seizure of two Navy patrol boats and detention of 10 American sailors in the Persian Gulf in January, Rep. Randy Forbes (R- Va.), this week proposed legislation to officially condemn Iran, and raised the possibility of imposing new sanctions on the Islamic Republic. In a Read More

US President Barack Obama, speaking of receiving injections, frowns while addressing the American Nurses Association House of Delegates June 16, 2010 at a hotel in Washington, DC. AFP PHOTO/Mandel NGAN (Photo credit should read MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

USA sets economic milestone – $19 trillion national debt record

President Barack Obama has managed to set another milestone during his tenure: He has presided over the greatest accumulation of government debt in the history of the country. What’s more, with help from a spendthrift Congress, his record of excess is only going to go higher. As reported by The Blaze, the national debt has Read More

U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) speaks with reporters as he arrives for the weekly Democratic Caucus policy luncheon at the U.S. Capitol in Washington June 2, 2015. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Wyden pledging to fight legislation to limit encryption

( SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – U.S. Senator Ron Wyden pledged last week to fight legislation expected shortly in Congress that would limit encryption protection in American technology products. The proposal by Senators Richard Burr and Dianne Feinstein, the top Republican and Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, would give federal judges authority to order technology companies Read More

Burtynsky, Edward (1030)

Once again, Congress making it impossible to close unused military facilities

( The generals and admirals who run the U.S. military may collectively have centuries’ worth of higher education and experience ensuring American’s safety and security, but none of that provides them with the resources and strategies necessary to successfully outmaneuver and neutralize political patronage. As reported by Military Times, Defense Department officials are pleading with lawmakers Read More


Obama now has enough support to overcome GOP opposition to Iran deal, virtually assuring the Tehran regime will get nuclear weapons in the future

( With the pledged support of retiring U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Maryland, President Obama is now very likely to have enough backing to overcome Republican opposition to his Iran nuclear deal, one that critics say virtually assures that the self-described “Islamic Republic” will one day become a nuclear power. As reported by Fox News, Mikulski Read More