The most disturbing experiments conducted by the U.S. Government on non-consenting Civilians
You may have heard TalkNetwork.com co-founder Mike Adams, a.k.a, the Health Ranger, recently interview former pro wrestler, Hollywood star and Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura having a discussion about real-life conspiracies (Ventura has done a number of TV programs investigating those conspiracies, in fact, and has written a book, American Conspiracies). Many people, of course, discount Read More

Has the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle been solved? Collossal underwater methane blowouts could be the cause
A team of scientists created a bit of a frenzy this week after purporting an alternative hypothesis that could explain the unusual number of missing ships, planes and people in the Bermuda Triangle. Researchers at the Arctic University of Norway purport that craters on the seabed near the coast of Norway were created by pockets Read More