
How long before the Pentagon arms the drones now flying over America? Police state drone strikes on citizens now inevitable…

In recent days the Pentagon made a startling admission: Between 2006 and 2015, it had deployed drones in spying roles over U.S. soil nearly 20 times, in what appears on the surface to be a blatant violation of existing U.S. statutes and constitutional privacy protections. As reported by USA Today: The report by a Pentagon Read More


Innocent Americans on “no fly” list could lose Second Amendment rights under Obama’s terror watch list gun ban

In an attempt to reduce harm caused by terrorism-related gun violence on U.S. soil, President Barrack Obama wants to use the government’s “no fly” list to restrict firearm purchases. The proposal is an awful idea for several reasons; firstly, the U.S. “no fly” list contains about 50,000 people, The Intercept reported last August — many Read More


MSM attacks Oath Keepers for defending public safety, Constitutional rights

The mainstream media is trying to tar and feather the Oath Keepers as a racist, anti-government group of white men. These false characterizations came after a group of Oath Keepers, led by Sam Andrews, arrived at a scene of protesters in nearby Ferguson marking the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown. According to Read More